WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (4/6/20)

Cedric Alexander and Ricochet vs. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch 

Burch and Lorcan take turns beating down Alexander in the corner. Burch puts Alexander in a rear chin lock. Alexander gets to her feet. Burch takes Alexander back down. Alexander escapes and dropkicks Burch in the knee. Alexander tags in Ricochet. Burch tags in Lorcan. Ricochet clears the ring. Ricochet hits a top rope ranna on Lorcan. Burch breaks up the pin. Triangle dropkick bu Ricochet. Ricochet hits the GTK for the win.

Winners- Cedric Alexander and Ricochet

Earlier today, Kevin Owens says his career the last few months has been hell. Owens finally got his hands on Seth Rollins and it was all worth it. Owens has a WrestleMania moment he can be proud of. Owens is here to stay and will just keep fighting because this is the Kevin Owens’ show.

Seth Rollins make his way to the ring with a despondent look on his face. Rollins is not dealing with his loss at WrestleMania way.

Seth Rollins vs. Denzel Dejournette

Rollins attacks Dejournette and tosses him out of the ring. Rollins sends Dejournette into the barricade. Rollins tosses him back into the ring. Rollins hits the Stomp for the win.

Winner- Seth Rollins

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