Joquin Wilde vs. Kushida
Kushida takes Wilde down. Kushida rides Wilde’s back. Kushida and Wilde trade pin attempts. Kushida almost turns a monkey flip into an armbar. Wilde escaped. Kushida eventually locks in the armbar for the win.
Winner- Kushida
Backstage, Wilde is kidnapped by the same people who grabbed Raul Mendoza.
North American Championship Match: Keith Lee (c) vs. Dominik Dijakovic vs. Damian Priest
Priest tries a spin kick but Lee catches him. Lee tosses Priest at Dijakovic. Dijakovic almost chokeslams Priest. Priest escapes. Everyone kicks everyone at the same time. All three men are down. After the break, Lee is out on the floor. Priest pounds on Dijakovic in the corner. Dijakovic lifts Priest in the air but Priest counters with a DDT. Priest goes up top. Lee decks Priest. Lee tries to deadlift suplex Priest back into the ring. Priest fights out of it. Lee puts Priest in a bearhug. Dijakovic lifts Lee on his shoulders. Priest hits a spinning heel kick off the top, taking out Lee and Dijakovic.
Priest and Dijakovic take turns beating down Lee. Priest and Dijakovic double chokeslam Lee. Dijakovic picks up Priest for Feast Your Eyes. Priest escapes. Priest tries to crucifix bomb Dijakovic out of the ring. Lee catches Dijakovic. Priest follows that with a step-up tope suicida to the outside. After the break. Dijakovic misses a top rope moonsault. Priest slams Dijakovic with a sit-out chokeslam. Dijakovic kicks out. Dijakovic tries a chokeslam but Priest counters. Dijakovic tosses Priest at Lee. Lee catches Priest and powerbomb Priest on Dijakovic four times. Lee Spirit Bombs Priest. Dijakovic breaks up the pin. Lee floors Dijakovic with a nasty spinebuster.
Lee goes up top. Priest kicks Lee in the face. Priest tries a top rope ranna. Lee blocks it. Priest manages to take Lee off the top with a ranna. Dijakovic dives off the top and drops an elbow on Lee. Priest and Dijakovic kicks each other in the face at the same time. Both men fall on Lee. Lee kicks out. Lee ends up getting chokeslammed off the top by Priest and Dijakovic. Dijakovic flattens Lee with a sky twister press off the top. Lee somehow manages to kick out. Priest pulls a nightstick from under the ring. Dijakovic picks up Priest for Feast Your Eyes. Priest blocks it with the nightstick. Lee pounces Priest out of the ring. Lee hits the Big Bang Catastrophe on Dijakovic for the win.
Winner and STILL North American Champion, Keith Lee!
Multitasking at its finest, and most painful. #WWENXT #NXTNATitle @RealKeithLee @DijakovicWWE @RealKeithLee
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 2, 2020
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