WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/27/20)

WWE Rewind- WrestleMania 32Triple H (c) vs. Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (As Written by Joshie Lopez)

Triple H with a side headlock takeover. Triple H slaps Reigns in the back of the head. Reigns drops Triple H  with a shoulder tackle. Triple H tosses Reigns to the outside. Triple H applies an armbar. He continues to work on the wrist of Reigns. Reigns drive Triple H to the corner. Triple H slaps Reigns in the face. Reigns drops Triple H with an uppercut and a headbutt. Triple H sends Reigns face-first to the top turnbuckle. Triple H with a clubbing blow to the back of Triple H’s head. Triple H lands multiple knee drops to the back of Reign’s spine. Reigns regains momentum with a clothesline. Reigns with a flying clothesline. Triple H sends Reigns to the ring apron. Reigns with a jawbreaker to Triple H. Reigns connects with the Drive-By for a two count. Reigns with ten corner clothesline to Triple H in the corner. Stephanie distracts the referee and Triple H gives Reigns a low blow. Triple H connects with the inverted atomic drop for a two count. Triple H with a series of right hands to Reigns in the corner.

Triple H and Reigns exchange back and forth right hands. Triple H drops Reigns with a spine buster for a two count. Triple H tosses Reigns to the outside a front of the announce table. Triple H bounces Reigns head on the announce table. Triple H sends Reigns over the german announce table. Hunter rolls into the ring to break the count. Reigns with a headbutt to Triple H. Triple H with a swinging neck breaker that knocks Reigns off the announce table. Triple H with a series of rapid-fire boots to the midsection of Reigns. Hunter with a flying knee to the back of Reigns for a two count. Knee to the gut of Reigns. Triple H drops Reigns to the top rope. Reigns with a right hand while Triple H jumps off the second rope. Reigns connects with a big boot to Triple H. Reigns drops Triple H with the Samoan Drop for a two count. Reigns goes for the Superman Punch and Triple H rolls out of the ring. Reigns with a flying clothesline off the steel ring steps.

Reigns throws Triple H back first to the steel ring steps. Triple H outsmarts Reigns and he gets driven to the steel ring steps. Triple H launches Reigns over the german announce table. Reigns spears Triple H through the barricade at ringside. Triple H gets Reigns in an armbar and Reigns reaches the bottom rope. Reigns powers out of the Indian Death Lock. Reigns with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Triple H gets Reigns in the cross arm breaker. Triple H goes for the Pedigree and Reigns launches him over the top rope. Reigns drops Triple H with a Spear, but Stephanie pulls the referee out of the ring. Reigns goes for the pin again and Hunter kicks out at two. Stephanie enters the ring and she gets in an argument with referee Chad Patton. Reigns spears Stephanie McMahon. Triple H with the Pedigree to Reigns for a two count. Triple H with a knee drop to Reigns. Reigns drops Triple H with the Superman Punch. Reigns goes for the Spear and Triple H counters with the high knee for a two count. Stephanie passes Triple H the sledgehammer. Reigns with another Superman Punch. Triple H tries to hit Roman with the sledgehammer and he counters with the Spear to pick up the victory.

Winner: New WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns 

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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