WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (3/16/20)

Contract Signing

The Undertaker comes to the ring and pushes the table over. Jerry Lawler runs away. After the break, AJ Styles music hits but he doesn’t come out to the ring. Styles eventually appears on the vidscreen. Styles is holding the contract for their Mania match. Styles tells Taker that he knows the reason Taker is always interjecting himself in WrestleMania is because of his wife, “Money” Michelle. Styles tells Taker to let it go. Styles says he has no sympathy for Taker. Taker stuck his nose in Styles’ business twice. Styles owes Taker. When Mania is over, Styles will be happy to pay Taker’s assisted living cost. Styles is going to make Taker rest in peace. Styles signs the contract. Styles tries to convince Gallows and Anderson to bring the contract to Taker. Gallows and Anderson walk down the ramp. The lights go out. When the light comes back on Taker is stanging behind Gallows and Anderson. Taker destroys both of them. Taker signs the contract and sticks it in Anderson’s mouth.

Amazingly, Asuka is out for commentary for the next match.

Andrade w/Zelin Vega vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio lands a springboard head scissors. Vega tries to get involved but Mysterio shrugs her off. Mysterio tries a springboard but Andrade meets him in mid-air with a dropkick. After the break, Mysterio sends Andrade into the ring post. Seated Senton by Mysterio. Mysterio kicks Andrade in the head. Andrade kicks out. Mysterio drop toe holds Andrade into the ropes. Mysterio sets up the 619. Andrade cuts him off with a nasty spinning back elbow. Andrade hits two of the three amigos. Mysterio counters the last suplex into a ranna. Andrade ends up in the ropes. Mysterio hits the 619. Mysterio Drops the Dime for the win.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

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