WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/11/20)

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Broserweights (c) vs. The Undisputed Era

Before the match, Velveteen Dream appears on the bird’s nest. Dream says he never cared about Roderick Strong and his stupid family. It’s always about Adam Cole. Cole says Dream hasn’t earned anything and Dream lost last week. Cole says he is going to have a celebration next week because he will be the longest-reigning NXT Champion.

As the match starts, Dunne takes down O’Reilly and works the ankle. O’Reilly escapes. O’Reilly tags in Fish as Dunne tags in Riddle. Riddle slams Fish down to the mat. Riddle gut wrench suplexes O’Reilly. Fish runs into the ring. Dunne cuts off Fish. Riddle and Dunne lands stereo gut wrench suplexes. After the break, Riddle and O’Reilly trade strikes. After a distraction from Fish, O’Reilly boots Riddle off the apron. Fish and O’Reilly beatdown Riddle in their corner. Riddle manages to tag in Dunne. who clears the ring. Dunne puts O’Reilly in a triangle. O’Reilly gets to the bottom rope. Riddle leaps off of Dunne’s back for a tope. While the referee’s back is turned. Riddle tosses Cole into the ring. Dunne claps his hands and falls to the mat. Dunne tells the referee that Cole hit him. Riddle runs into the ring and tells the referee Cole super kicked Dunne. Strong and Cole protest. The referee ejects Cole and Strong from ringside.

After the break, Fish and O’Reilly are working over Dunne. Dunne tags in Riddle. Riddle clears the ring. Riddle and Dunne set up their finish. O’Reilly breaks it up. Fish and O’Reilly attempt dual German suplexes. Dunne and Riddle land on their feet. Dunne kicks O’Reilly and Riddle knees Fish in the head. Fish blocks the bro to sleep. Riddle German suplexes Fish O’Reilly breaks it up with a knee drop. Fish and O’Reilly land Chasing the Dragon on Riddle. Riddle kicks out. Riddle spears Fish and O’Reilly at the same time. The Grizzled Young Veterans run down to ringside. Gibson clocks Riddle when the referee isn’t looking. Riddle kicks out. Riddle back body drops Fish onto the GYV. Dunne and Riddle hit their finish on O’Reilly for the win.

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