WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/4/20)

Steel Cage Match: Velveteen Dream vs. Roderick Strong

Strong attacks Dream as soon as he gets in the ring. Dream tries to climb the cage. Strong grabs Dream’s leg. Dream kicks Strong away. Dream lands an axhandle. Strong and Dream trade strikes. Strong sends Dream into the cage, face first. Strong lights Dream up with a few stiff chops in the corner. Back suplex by Strong. Strong lands multiple elbow strikes. Dream tosses Strong into the cage. Marina Shafir (Strong’s wife) runs down to ringside and slide Strong a kendo stick. Dream takes the kendo stick from Strong. Dream wears Strong out with the kendo stick. Strong goes low on Dream. Strong crotches Dream on the top rope. Strong tries to force Dream’s head between two of the corner cage post. Strong traps Dream in the tree of woe.

Strong tries to climb the cage. Dream low blows Strong. Dream locks Strong in a Boston crab. Strong counters and puts Dream in the Stronghold. Dream turns it into a pin but Strong kicks out. Strong escapes the DVD by Dream. Dream sends Strong into the cage again. Superkick by Dream. Dream tells the referee to open the door. Strong slams Dream’s head into the cage. Strong backbreakers Dream with the kendo stick. Strong climbs the cage. Dream pulls Strong’s pants down to stop him. Dream and Strong fight on the top rope. Strong clutches Dream and hits an avalanche Olympic slam. Dream kicks out. Both men attempt to escape the cage. Dream hits two Dream Valley Drivers. Dream climbs to the top of the cage. The rest of the UE runs down to ringside. Dream takes out Fish and O’Reilly. Adam Cole gets into the cage. Dream tosses Cage off the top rope. Strong crawls to the door. Dream pushes Strong out of the cage and locks the door behind him.

Winner- Roderick Strong

After the match, Dream attacks Cole. Dream holds off Fish and O’Reilly. Strong gets back in the cage. Dream sends Cole into Strong while he is on the top rope. Strong falls into the tree of woe. Dream hits a Dream Valley Driver on a chair to Cole. Dream poses with the NXT Championship.


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