WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (2/14/20)

When Otis arrives for his date, he sees Dolph Ziggler talking to Rose. Otis drops the flowers he had for Rose and walks away.

The Miz and Morrison vs. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan

King Corbin is in the crowd. Corbin was barred from competing tonight but bought a ticket. Reigns and Bryan beatdown Morrison. Bryan lands a suicide dive on Miz. Bryan Yes kicks Morrison. Top rope ranna by Bryan. Morrison is dumped to the outside. Miz attacks Reigns from behind. Morrison dives over the ring post with a corkscrew pluncha that takes out Reigns and Bryan. Corbin cheers from the crowd.

After the break, Morrison and Miz are taking turns working over Bryan. Bryan manages to tag in Reigns, who clears the ring. After a distraction from Miz, Morrison lands a disaster kick. Reigns counters Starship Pain. Morrison tries another disaster kick but Reigns avoids it and lands a Superman punch. Reigns misses the Spear. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Bryan breaks up the pin. Miz calls for the running knee while mocking Bryan. Reigns hits a Spear for the win.

Winners- Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan

After the match, Corbin hits Reigns with his Scepter.


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