Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley w/ Lana
Lashley clotheslines Ricochet in the corner. Ricochet manages to hit a springboard dropkick. Suicide dive by Ricochet. Lashley rolls out of the other side of the ring. Ricochet lands a tope con hilo. After the break, Ricochet lands a moonsault to the outside. Springboard crossbody by Ricochet. Ricochet follows that with a standing shooting star. Lashley kicks out. Lashley sets up a superplex. Ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet shotgun dropkicks Lashley. Ricochet lands the 630 for the win.
Winner- Ricochet
Backstage, Ruby Riott says Liv Morgan will always be a follower. She will jump when Riott says how high.
In-Ring Segment: Randy Orton
Orton is supposed to be explaining why he attacked Edge. Matt Hardy interrupts and chastizes Orton for attacking Edge. Orton RKOs Hardy then hits a con-chair-to.
Aleister Black vs. Akira Tozawa
Tozawa runs into a popup knee. Black almost decapitates Tozawa with the Black Mask.
After the match, Black cuts a promo saying he is going to beat everyone.
Lynch arrives backstage in the ambulance
Lynch power walks to the ring. Lynch says Baszler may be tough but Lynch has come across tougher.
Seth Rollins, Murphy, and AOP vs. Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe, and The Viking Raiders
After a bit of back and forth, Joe puts Murphy in the Clutch. The referee doesn’t see Murphy tap. In the confusions, Rollins hits the Stomp for the win.
Winners- Seth Rollins, Murphy, and AOP
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