During today’s Q4 earnings conference call, Vince McMahon was asked about potential strategies to increase revenue from the content on WWE Network.
Vince McMahon, while not offering too many elaborate details did discuss interest from major platforms concerning the content on WWE’s OTT platform which has existed since February 2014.
“We also have an option right now, there’s no more better time, to exercise the selling of our rights to all the majors, quite frankly,” Vince would boast. “All the majors are really clamoring for our content. So that could be a significant increase, obviously, in terms of revenue.”
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Vince McMahon would say that when using the term “majors,” he is referring to other OTT platforms. Vince would also stay that if the network were to stay exactly as it is today using the same strategies and platform, adding more advertisements is a considered source of additional revenue.
Vince McMahon would add later in the call that if they were to choose to go into business with any of the “majors,” an announcement could be made as soon as the end of this financial quarter.
You can listen to the full investors’ call at this link.