NWA Powerrr

Title Change Takes Place At 1/26 NWA Powerrr Taping *Spoiler*

AND NEW! The NWA has a new World Television Champion as the title changed hands at last night’s NWA Powerrr tapings in Atlanta.

Two nights after winning the title at NWA Hard Times, inaugural champion Ricky Starks lost his championship to “Outlandish” Zicky Dice. The title match took place after Dice beat Starks and Matt Cross in a triple threat non-title match earlier in the tapings. It’s unclear as to the specific date when the title change will air; Starks won the title on Friday by beating Cross, Tim Storm and Trevor Murdoch in the NWA World Television Title tournament.

Related: NWA Powerrr Taping Results From Atlanta, GA (1/25/20) *Spoilers*

Ahead of Hard Times, Dice spoke with Wrestlezone about joining the NWA and what a title win would mean to him. Dice ultimately lost to Dan Maff in the first round of the tournament but noted at the time the good opportunity he had by appearing on NWA Powerrr and entering the tournament.

“I’ve been through hell already! I’ve had to win two matches—not one, but two—just to earn a spot in this tournament. January 24 in Atlanta, Georgia, I’m going for the NWA World Television title and I need that title more than anything. I’m going to tell you right now,” Dice said, “this is a stage that I’ve been waiting for and I think it’s a good chance for the world to finally meet “Outlandish” Zicky Dice.”

“It’s been an honor. With as much history as the NWA has—you name the greats and they’ve all passed through. Just being a part of that and being part of the TV title tournament, it’s just unreal. I feel like it’s a style of wrestling that I love and I grew up watching and enjoying. It’s something I’ve based my character around,” Dice said, “so for me, it’s a perfect fit. I’m excited to see what the future has for me; if you haven’t tuned in to watch NWA Powerrr it airs every Tuesday at 6:05 on YouTube.com/NWA for free. You can’t beat that. It’s hot, we’re growing weekly.”

Read More: Zicky Dice On Introducing The World To His ‘Outlandish’ Persona Through NWA, Character Inspirations


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