WWE Worlds Collide Results

WWE Worlds Collide Results (1/25/20)

Pete Dunne, Matt Riddle, and The Grizzled Young Veterans are in the crowd. Cathy Kelley announces that the winners of the Dusty Classic will get a title shot at Takeover Portland. Gibson goes on a rant about how important the win is and that they are going to win. Riddle says Dunne is happy. Dunne looks confused because he isn’t smiling. Dunne says he is going to be blunt. Riddle is going to smoke Gibson and Drake. Dunne is going to lead them to their bitter end.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four-Way: Angel Garza (c) vs. Jordan Devlin vs. Travis Banks vs. Isiah “Swerve” Scott

Everyone tries to attack Garza. Garza tries to rip his pants off but ends up getting triple superkicked. Devlin Uranage suplexes Banks onto Scott. Standing moonsault by Devlin for a near fall. Rolling flatliner by Scott. Devlin tries to toss Scott over the top. Scott does a front flip and lands on his feet. Devlin attempts a dive. Scott catches Devlin and lands a DVD out on the floor. Garza lands a dive. Banks leaps off the apron and double stomps Scott. Banks launches everyone into the corner. Devlin destroys Scott with a DDT. Garza flattens Devlin with a Spanish fly. Banks takes out Garza.

Each man trades strikes. Garza lands a popup knee, then rips off his pants. Garza picks up Banks Devlin hops up on Garza’s shoulders. Scott leaps off the top and double stomps Devlin off Garza’s shoulders. Banks obliterates Devlin with a destroyer. Devlin hits a Spanish fly off the top to Scott and Garza. Banks lands the slice of heaven followed by the Kiwi Crusher! Devlin somehow kicks out. Scott hits a Rubix cube out of the corner on Banks for a near fall. Garza dropkicks Banks off Scott’s shoulders into a poison ranna. Garza Wing Clippers Scott. Devlin pushes Garza out of the ring. Devlin hits the Devlin Side Suplex for the win!

Winner and NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Jordan Devlin!

After the match, Devlin grabs a mic and says he is pound for pound the best wrestler in the world. He proved tonight you never bet against an ace.

WWE Worlds Collide Results Continue On The Next Page!