WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (1/24/20)

During an interview with Michael Cole, Lacey Evans gets a bit choked up as she talks about her hard upbringing. Bayley eventually attacks Evans from behind.

Backstage, Carmela and Dana Brooke talk about the Royal Rumble and argue about which of them is going to win the Rumble. There is a commotion off to the side and we see that Evans is beating up Bayley a few feet away.

Fire and Desire vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

As soon as the bell rings, Bayley and Evans’ brawl spills into the ring. All six women brawl. The referee throws the match out.

Winner- No Contest

In-Ring Segment: Elias

Elias sings a song about Dallas. Elias says he needs Strowman’s help for this. Strowman joins Elias in the ring. Elias asks Strowman to sing with him. Before Strowman can sing, Nakamura, Zayn, and Cesaro interrupt.

Elias and Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro

Elias lands a few strikes on Cesaro. Elias walks the ropes and lands a double knee strike. After a distraction from Zayn, Cesaro floors Elias with a clothesline. Nakamura attacks Elias from behind. Strowman runs over Nakamura. Cesaro and Nakamura double team Elias. Elias manages to tag in Strowman. Strowman runs over Nakamura. Strowman drives Nakamura into the corner. Strowman splashes Nakamura in the corner. Strowman tosses Nakamura clear across the ring. Nakamura surprises Strowman with a flying knee off the second rope. Cesaro and Nakamura sends Strowman into the post. Double Russian leg sweep by Cesaro and Nakamura. Strowman kicks out. Nakamura lands a running knee. Strowman kicks out again. Nakamura tries to bring a chair into the ring but is cut off by Elias. Strowman Powerslams Cesaro. Elias drops the big elbow on Cesaro for the win.

Winners- Elias and Braun Strowman

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!


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