North American Championship Match: Roderick Strong (c) w/ The Undisputed Era vs. Keith Lee
Strong tries a single leg but Lee stuffs it. Strong slaps Lee. Lee almost chops Strong’s head off. Lee levels Strong with an elbow to the face. Lee tosses Strong clear across the ring. Strong rolls out of the ring. After the break, Lee flattens Strong with a crossbody. Lee gets distracted by the UE outside of the ring. Strong dropkicks Lee in his previously injured ankle. Strong stomps Lee’s ankle into the ring steps. Strong traps Lee’s leg behind the steps. Strong kicks the steps into Lee’s ankle. Strong sends Lee back into the ring. Strong continues his assault on Lee’s ankle. Strong elbows Lee in the back in the head. Lee tries to fire up but Strong kicks him in the leg. Strong hits the ropes and runs into a flapjack by Lee. Lee powerslams Strong for a near fall. Lee spikes Strong like a football with a one-handed spinebuster. Strong rolls out of the ring. Lee sends Strong back into the ring.
Cole distracts the referee, which allows Fish to sweep Lee’s leg. Strong DDTs Lee for a near fall. Lee and Strong trade strikes. Strong kicks Lee in the leg. Lee responds with a headbutt. Lee tries to set up a top rope moonsault but Strong cuts him off. Strong attempts suplex. Lee pushes Strong down to the mat. Strong chop blocks Lee while he is on the middle rope. Strong avalanche Olympic slams Lee off the top. Lee kicks out. Lee fires up and hits grizzly magnum. Lee pounces Strong clear out of the ring onto the rest of the UE. Lee turns Strong inside out with a lariat. Lee misses his patented top rope moonsault. Strong puts Lee in an ankle lock. Lee crawls to the bottom rope. The UE all get on the apron. Lee knocks each of them off the apron. Strong surprises Lee with a leaping knee strike. Sick Kick by Strong. Lee kicks out. Strong hits the ropes but Lee picks him up and hits the Big Bang Catastrophe for the win!
Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion, Keith Lee!
IMPERIUM hops the barricade and a brawl ensues. WALTER chops Cole so hard it turns Cole inside out. Security hits the ring and attempts to break up the fight.
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