Photo credit: FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP/Getty Images

Kane Talks His Biggest Regret About Unmasking

Kane was a recent guest on Steve Austin’s The Broken Skull Sessions, where he discussed a handful of topics, including his infamous unmasking at Madison Square Garden in 2003. According to Kane, though, there was one problem that arose from the unmasking, and it had a lot to do with the fact that. he decided to surprise his wife with the information.

“It’s wild, yeah,” he said of the unmasking. “I actually was a little nervous, though, because I hadn’t told my wife about this, and my wife loved my long hair, and I wanted her to see it and be shocked just like everybody else, and she was.” Kane infamously unveiled his face in front of the crowd, but also ditched the long hair he had previously had for years. According to the WWE legend, his wife wasn’t the happiest.

As far as the partially shaved head goes, Kane said that it was all Bruce Prichard’s idea. “We were just going to shave my head,” he said. “And they get about halfway through, and Bruce [Prichard] goes ‘Stop! I need to show Vince,’ I should have said right then keep going, and of course in the heat of the moment I’m like oh yeah, this is going to be awesome, and then yeah, I’m sitting there like, wait a second, I got to go to like…Outback, with this, I got to pick my kids up at school.”

Kane’s biggest regret about unmasking: The Broken Skull Sessions (WWE Network Exclusive)

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