Io Shirai vs. Santana Garrett
Shirai and Garrett trade pin attempts. Garrett walks the ropes and lands an arm drag. Garrett lands a big kick. Shirai flapjacks Garrett. Russian leg sweep by Garrett. Garrett locks Shirai in the last chancery. Shirai gets to the rope. Shirai hits a double knee strike. Shirai crushes Garrett with a moonsault for the win.
Winner- Io Shirai
Travis Banks vs. Pete Dunne
Banks and Dunne trade pin and submission attempts. Banks lands a few stiff crescent kicks. Dunne responds with machinegun chops. Dunne stomps on Banks’ hands. Dunne lands the X-Plex on the apron. After the break, Banks crushes Dunne with a running cannonball in the corner. Banks nets a near fall after a double stomp in the corner. Banks tries a Slice of Heaven but Dunne sidesteps and lands a stiff right hand. X-Plex by Dunne. Banks kicks out. Dunne curb stomps Banks. Banks reverses the Bitter End into the Kiwi Driver. Dunne kicks out. Dunne lands a top rope X-Plex followed by the Bitter End for the win.
Winner- Pete Dunne