IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/17/19)

Ethan Page w/Josh Alexander vs. Rich Swann w/Willie Mack

Swann lands a dropkick after a tackle/dropdown/ front flip spot. Swann does a corner 10 punch spot. After a distraction by Alexander, Page takes control. Page works over Swann. Page bodyslams Swann off the top rope. Page lands a swanton. Mack gets upset and attacks Page. Swann is disqualified.

Winner- Ethan Page

Backstage, Moose and Rhino fight.

Joey Ryan vs. Acey Romero

Johnny Swinger joins the announce desk. Ryan kicks Romero in the knee. Romero flattens Ryan with a running cross-body block. Spine buster by Romero. Ryan kicks out. Romero falls on Ryan’s junk. Ryan tries to put his lollypop in Romero’s mouth. Romero avoids it and it ends up in the referee’s mouth. The referee goes down. Ryan puts Romero’s hand on his junk. Swinger gets in the ring and breaks it up. Swinger puts Romero’s hand on his fanny pack. Romero dumps Swinger out of the ring. Ryan makes Romero touch it again. Ryan dick flips Romero. Ryan lands Sweet Tooth Music for the win.

Winner-  Joey Ryan

Ace Austin vs. Petey Williams

Austin gets the win after escaping the Canadian Destroyer and landing his finish.

Winner- Ace Austin

Backstage, Trey attacks Austin for talking about his mother.

In-Ring Segment: Sami Callihan

Callihan says he is going to expose the truth about Tessa Blanchard. Blanchard is a phony. Everyone wants to make this about gender but Callihan is the only person to treat Blanchard as an equal. Callihan calls Blanchard a spoiled brat who was handed everything she has because of her parentage. Callihan did everything on his own. Blanchard interrupts. Madman Fulton attacks her from behind. Ken Shamrock runs down to the ring to make the save. Fulton and Shamrock fight as Callihan and Blanchard battle to the back. Callihan launches Blanchard into a trailer. Callihan tries to choke Blanchard out. Blanchard kicks Callihan away. Blanchard spears Callihan into a wall. Callihan slams Blanchard head-first into a tractor-trailer. Callihan chokes Blanchard with some caution tape. Blanchard and Callihan fight into the street.


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