TLC Match: Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin
Before Reigns can get down the ramp, Corbin’s security tries to attack him. Reigns puts one of the security guards through a table. Corbin runs up the ramp with a chair. Reigns decks Corbin.Reigns tosses Corbin off the stage. Corbin and Reigns fight into the crowd. Reigns sends Corbin into the ring. Reigns gets in the ring and runs right into the deep six. Reigns kicks out. Corbin sends Reigns out of the ring. Reigns whips Corbin into the barricade. Corbin launches Reigns into the ring steps. Corbin drives a ladder into Reigns’ gut. Corbin blasts Reigns with a chair multiple times. Corbin sets up a chair in the turnbuckle. Reigns fires up drops Corbin with a big boot. Reigns calls for the Superman punch. After a series of reversals Cobin lands a chokeslam neck breaker. Reigns kicks out. Corbin mocks Reigns. Reigns sends Corbin head-first into the chair Corbin had previously set up in the corner. Superman punch by Reigns. Corbin kicks out.
Reigns brings a table into the ring. Corbin hits Reigns in the head with a can of dog food. Corbin chokeslams Reigns through a table. Reigns kicks out. Corbin put Reigns on the announce desk. Corbin tries to powerbomb Reigns through the opposite announce desk but Reigns reverses it into a Samoan drop through the table. Reigns tries to Spear Corbin outside the ring. Ziggler appears out of nowhere and Superkicks Reigns. Ziggler beats the crap out of a stagehand. Corbin pulls a pair of handcuffs from under the ring. Reigns hits a drive-by that takes out Ziggler and Corbin. Reigns pulls a kendo stick from under the ring. Corbin’s security runs down to the ring. Reigns takes every single one of them out with the kendo stick. The Revival hit the ring and attack Reigns. Reigns Superman punches Dawson and Wilder. Reigns dives out of the ring, landing on everyone. Reigns calls for the Spear. Ziggler tosses a chair into Reigns’s face. Ziggler drops Reigns with the Zig Zag. The Revival Shatter Machine Reigns. Corbin gets the win after hitting the End of Days on a chair.
Winner- King Corbin
— WWE (@WWE) December 16, 2019