RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The Viking Raiders (c) vs. The OC
Erik facebusters Anderson. Ivarr tags in and lands a knee to Anderson. Ivar bodyslams Anderson. Erik slams Ivar on top of Anderson. After a distraction from Gallows, Anderson takes control. The OC takes turns beating down Erik. Erik manages to tag in Ivar, who clears the ring. Ivar goes up top but Anderson pushes him off. The OC land a back suplex/neck breaker combo for a near fall. Ivar takes out Gallows and Anderson with a handspring back elbow. The Viking Raiders hit the Viking Experience on Anderson. Gallows breaks up the pin. Erik is sent into the crowd. Ivar lands a dive. Both teams are counted out.
After the match, Anderson takes the table at ringside with the KFC buffet on it. Ivar spear Anderson before The OC can set anything up. Ivar and Erik powerbomb Anderson through the table.
So how'd you like the VIKING EXPERIENCE, @KarlAndersonWWE? #WWETLC pic.twitter.com/lgl2rleVSP
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) December 16, 2019