WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (12/11/19)

WWE NXT Results
December 11, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match: Lio Rush (c) vs. Angel Garza

Rush attacks Garza during the introductions. The referee pulls Rush off Garza. The bell rings and both competitors tear into each other. both men fall to the outside while tied up. Garza trips Rush off the apron. Rush lands jaw first on the apron. Garza gets a near fall. Rush charges Garza before he can rip his pants off. Rush attempts the come up but Garza avoids it. Garza dropkicks Rush in the face. After the break, Garza caught Rush during a ranna attempt. Rush pivots and sends Garza to the outside. Dive by Rush. Rush gets a two count. Garza hits the come up on Rush! Rush kicks out.

Garza surprises Rush with an avalanche Spanish fly for a near fall. Rush and Garza trade slaps. Rush spin kicks Garza in the face. Garza superkicks Rush. Both Rush and Garza fall to the mat. Rush hits Garza with Garza’s Wing Clipper finish. Garza kicks out. Garza picks Rush up for an electric chair drop. Rush reverses it into the come up. Rush lands the Final Hour. Garza crawls out of the ring. Rush tries to stop him by grabbing Garza’s tights. Garza tights rip off. Rush tries to hit the Final Hour outside the ring. Garza gets his knees up. Garza hits the Wing Clipper. Rush kicks out. Garza turns the Wing Clipper into a reverse full nelson. Rush kicks out.

Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion, Angel Garza!

WWE NXT Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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