Moose vs. Acey Romero
Romero tosses Moose across the ring. Moose rolls out of the ring. Romero lands a dive to the outside! After the break, Moose is stomping Romero. Moose tries to suplex Romero. Moose can’t get Romero off the mat. Moose decides to just throw a few right hands. Moose bites Romero’s forehead.
Romero suplexes Moose. Romero lands a crossbody. Huge back body drop by Romero. Romero spinebusters Moose for a near fall. Moose lands a massive Go To Hell. Romero somehow kicks out. Moose hits the ropes but runs into a pounce by Romero. Romero turns Moose inside out with a lariat. Moose lands the No Jackhammer Needed Spear for the win.
Winner- Moose
Is there only so long Father James Mitchell can keep @realsuyung away from her past…and @WeAreRosemary? #IMPACTonAXSTV
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) December 11, 2019