MLW Fusion

MLW Fusion Recap: Mystery Box Battle Royal Boils Over In Orlando & The Hart Foundation Faces CONTRA

Tom Lawlor brought major tension to Major League Wrestling last week as he made the concentrated decision to smack his “brother in arms” Ross Von Erich with a chair across the skull as Ross was gaining momentum during his World Title shot against Jacob Fatu. The phrase “F*ck the Von Erichs” will forever echo in the minds of wrestling fans that fateful night and this week we’re hoping to find out why Lawlor decided to destroy Ross’ hopes of a title win and therein, scorching his relationship with the brothers.

But first, Fusion fires off with a battle royal and it’s right to the action as Rich Bocchini and AJ Kirsch are joined by Alexander Hammerstone on commentary.

Invitational Battle Royal

Hammer has a lot invested in this bout as “his big gift” Grogan in embedded in the brawl. The first out is Barrington Hughes as it takes a group effort to get the super-heavyweight over the top.

ELIMINATED: Barrington Hughes

Zenshi faces a very close call against Timothy Thatcher, but the young cruiserweight skins the cat. Dominic Garrini ties up with Savio Vega as Zenshi hangs on one more, this time against Richard Holliday. While this is going down, Douglas James forces the big man, Doctor Dax to the outside.


Grogan saves Holliday from elimination after Injustice gangs up on “The Most Marketable.” Jordan Oliver rallies Kotto Brazil and Ricky Martinez to go after the monster, but he quickly dismisses the two out of the ring and out of the match, before launching Middleweight Champ Myron Reed over as well.

ELIMINATED: Ricky Martinez, Jordan Oliver & Myron Reed

Kotto goes to attack Grogan, but the big man gorilla presses him over the top for his efforts.

ELIMINATED: Kotto Brazil

Right after that occurs Leo Brien and Savio Vega eliminate one another while engaged in fisticuffs.

ELIMINATED: Leo Brien & Savio Vega

Members of American Top Team are ready to make friends with Gorgan, but the giant has other plans as he slugs one of them off the apron.

ELIMINATED: First member of American Top Team

Grogan and Thatcher tie up with one another as another individual gets tossed over, while Zenshi once again does some amazing handstand work on the outside to stay in the fray.

Richard Holliday once again shows his competitive mean streak as the other member of American Top Team goes for a Frankensteiner, but Most Marketable catches him with a powerbomb and sends him sailing over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Second member of American Top Team

Zenshi tries to turn the tide against Holliday as he leaps up for a springboard attempt, but Holliday shoves him off, sending Zenshi hard to the outside. Garrini grabs hold of Holliday and sends him tumbling over as well

ELIMINATED: Zenshi & Richard Holliday

Here comes Grogan at Garrini for retribution, but Garrini leaps on the back of the big man for a rear naked choke. Grogan charges the ropes and the momentum sends Garrini out of the ring.

ELIMINATED: Dominic Garrini

It’s now down to the final four: Douglas James, Timothy Thatcher, Gringo Loco and MLW’s newest monster, Grogan. His three smaller foes decide to gang up on him, but that quickly falls a part due to the hands of Thatcher. Gringo gets caught mid ring by Grogan by the throat. Grogan attempts to chokeslam him over the apron but Gringo lands on his feet. However, his balance is still off and he finds both feet soon touching the floor.


Thatcher then decides to go “balls to the wall” and just goes on the solo attack of Grogan while James recovers. Thatcher goes for a inverted headlock, but Grogan knees free before getting a running sidekick to the mush by James. Grogan remains unphased. Grogan boots James in the gut and throws him aside before sending him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Douglas James

It’s down to “The Sweet Scientist” Timothy Thatcher and Grogan. The two stare one another down before Timothy slaps him across the mouth. He feeds Grogan European uppercuts, but Grogan tosses him onto the outside of the apron. In what has to be pure instinct, Thatcher cinches in an arm wrench as he goes to pull Grogan over. Grogan gets free and sends Thatcher’s head into the turnbuckle before giving him a running boot to send him out of contention.

Winner of Invitational Battle Royal: Grogan

Next up, we finally get some word from Filthy Tom Lawlor live via satellite. He didn’t mince words when asked about his former friends in the Von Erichs.

“Friends is a very interesting choice of words in that question. Most friendships are mutually beneficial,” says Lawlor. It was his war that he brought the Von Erichs in to fight by his side, but the brothers made it all about themselves, when it in all actuality should be about the former World Champ Lawlor. Bocchini asks is if he’s loyal to CONTRA.

“My loyalty doesn’t lie with them, it doesn’t lie with the Von Erichs. My loyalty, it lies with one person and you’re looking directly at him,” Lawlor states.

As far as his plans are in MLW, Lawlor feels no need to share. He could do whatever he wants and there isn’t anything “Filthy” Tom can’t do right now, but he wants production and everyone to focus on him, because he wants to know how much pain the world of MLW is willing to feel.

The Opera Cup is returning and the bracket is revealed as Alex Hammerstone will take on MJF and Davey Boy Smith Jr. will take on Low Ki in the opening rounds of the tournament, all starting next week!

Savio Vega vs. Leo Brien in a “Swamp Match”

In a match that took place earlier this week, Leo Brien took on Savio Vega in a Swamp Match that stems from their battle back at Saturday Night SuperFight. The two slug it out in the backwoods of Florida as Brien bites the forehead of Vega. Brien grabs a bullrope and begiins choking Vega, but Savio slips free and hits Brien with the cowbell before picking up a big tree trunk. He wields it against Brien before Brien rakes the eyes of Savio. The two fight once more over the cowbell and Savio gets the upperhand. He smashes Brien over the head several times with the cowbell.

Savio returns the favor by strangling Leo with the aid of the bullrope and the mesh fence.

Brien strikes back literally with a cowbell straight to the head and gets a near fall on Vega. The two both get to their feet and trade punches. The fight goes back to the fence as Brien grabs a trunk of his own to shove in the midsection of Vega.

Vega wildly misses with the bullrope and Savio seizes the opportunity to hit Brien with a spinning wheel kick for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Savio Vega

Savio isn’t done however as he goes to choke Brien out further with the bull rope.

We get a response from the Von Erichs: Ross is confused, distraught and heartbroken because he thought Tom as a brother. Marshall wants to use that term lightly as he’s pissed by “Filthy” Tom’s actions. MArshall didn’t see it coming at all and feels great remorese for not being at Ross’ side. He’s gonna see Lawlor in the locker room and the hall, but he better hope Tom doesn’t see him in the ring because trouble is coming.

It’s main event time as Ikuro Kwon and Simon Gotch enter the ring with the sinister Josef Samael. Davey Boy and Brian Pillman Jr.look ready to rumble with the rogues as it’s Kwon and Pillman setting to start the action off.

The Main EventThe Hart Foundation vs. CONTRA Unit

Pillman gets pushed by Kwon before the two tie up. Kwon gets leverage first, but the ring acumen of Pillman floors Ikuro down. Kwon breaks free and looks for an armwrench. Pillman flips free to send two boots to the chin of Ikuro. The two avoid one another and Brian buckles up against the ropes. Kwon rolls Brian down before kicking Pillman in the head for two . He ties Pillman up in the ropes with chops before tagging in Gotch. Gotch kicks away at Brian and sends him crashing down with a vertical suplex. Gotch locks in an armbreaker. Pillman rolls free and finds himself cinching in a chin lock. Back suplex by Gotch before tagging in Ikuro once more.

The right distraction gives Samael a moment to choke Pillman , but that doesn’t stop Brian. He soon chops away at Kwon and tags in DB.

Davey stomps hard on Kwon’s midsection and keeps him grounded to tag in Brian. Pillman stays on top of Kwon and then keeps the ring cut off as he tags in Davey once more. Davey just does one amazing feat of strength with a stalling suplex as he keeps Kwon upside down for a 30 count!

Kwon tries every tactic possible to get Davey down, but no avail. Davey tags back in Brian and the strategy continues. Brian goes for a stalling suplex of his own but Kwon fights free and tags in Gotch. European uppercuts by Gotch. Pillman finds himself in the wrong corner and CONTRA changes the momentum.

Gotch grounds Pillman down with a headlock but Brian breaks the arm of Gotch to tag in Davey. He takes it to both boys of CONTRA and brings together a “meeting of the minds.” Davey is rolling!

He delivers a huge leg drop to Simon and Kwon has to make the save. Brian kicks Kwon silly as Davey hoists Gotch up for their springboard Hart Attack and Davey rolls over for the jackknife pin and it’s good for the win!

Winners: The Hart Foundation

Samael is not pleased as The Hart Foundation stand tall. CONTRA’s clutch loosens just a bit this week as Brian Pillman and Davey Boy gives fans a glimmer of hope!

These results were written by @DominicDeAngelo but are courtesy of Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below:

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