bray wyatt
Photo Credit: WWE

Artist’s Corner: Custom Wrestling Buddy of “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt (Photos)

On Artist’s Corner we showcase super talented artists in the wrestling collectible community that produce some very original art, such as this custom Wrestling Buddy of “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt by Instagram user Superfun5000.

If you grew up in the 80s and 90s chances are you had a Wrestling Buddy of some sort, whether the originals or WCW ones later on or even the more recent ones. These are cartoon-style plush versions of popular wrestling superstars.

When Superfun5000 isn’t playing in his band he’s busy creating his very own Wrestling Buddies that he sells, such as superstars like Hornswoggle, Joey Ryan and The Fiend to name a few. We caught up with him to learn about him and his process.

What inspired you to make your own Wrestling Buddies?

Well, it started out because I am always trying to come up with new merch ideas for my band Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship. We did a few songs for Colt Cabana and played a Chikara show a few years back so we have a little bit of a wrestling tie in. This got me thinking of some sort of wrestling related merch ideas and I came up with making wrestling buddies of ourselves! The problem was that I did not know how to sew or design anything. If I get really excited about an idea I throw everything I have at it so I started learning how to design the buddies and taught myself how to sew and started cranking them out. That idea then turned into making some random pop culture buddies and eventually creating wrestling buddies for independent wrestlers.

What is your process or some of it?

I draw inspiration from the 90s WWF wrestling buddies for sure and try to incorporate themes from those into how I’m designing mine, but also try to put a little cartoony spin on it. Working with someone in a mask or that has a colorful or unique outfit helps the buddy stand out. Once I get done designing and get the fabric I usually listen to some music and sit at my sewing table for hours sewing up a storm while one of my cats is probably sitting on my lap.

What other projects are you working on/hoping to do?

I have some new designs for some independent wrestlers that I really like coming out very soon and I have a ton of other half finished ideas that once I get caught up and have the time I’ll start pumping out some of those.

What is your dream end goal by making these?

In a perfect dream world I would love to stay home with my cats and design and sew all day long and not have to go to my real job. I think a lot of people would love their passions and hobbies to be their full time job, maybe someday!

What other wrestling collectibles do you own or hope to own, etc?

I collect wrestling figures of wrestlers I like and have those around my place and then if there’s anything unique I’m really into that. The Slim Jim Macho Man figure that came out recently is my favorite thing to look at right now. I’m also still upset about the Mattel Retro figures being on hiatus.

What is one Wrestling Buddy you hope to make that you haven’t yet?

I would really love to make a Vader buddy. I’ve always loved Vader’s look since I was a kid. He looked so cool to me and also absolutely terrifying. That will be something I make someday just for myself probably to sit on my couch and stare at me!

Special Delivery Episode 71: Superfun5000 Wrestling Buddy Custom - The Fiend

You can purchase your own Wrestling Buddies from Superfun, both regular size and miniature on his website. For more wrestling figure news and coverage be sure to follow Wrestling Figure News Source on Twitter!


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