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ROH Wrestling Results (12/2/19): Four Corner Survival

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired December 2, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package recaps the feud between the Briscoes and Jonathan Gresham & Jay Lethal.

Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers and preview the show.

Josh Woods & Silas Young vs. The Bouncers vs. Coast 2 Coast vs. Soldiers of Savagery (television exclusive)

Before the match, Woods & Young briefly argue. Woods and LSG start the match. Young and Woods double-team LSG but Coast 2 Coast takes control. The Bouncers gain the upper hand and gang up on Shaheem Ali. Beer City Bruiser slams Ali. The Soldiers of Savagery attack Bruiser and gang up on him. Bruiser DDTs both men and tags Brawler Milonas, who clears house. A modified splash on Kaun gets Milonas a two count. Soldiers of Savagery nearly pin Woods after an assisted DDT. Ali dives onto the Soldiers and Milonas. LSG dives onto everyone outside the ring. Woods superplexes Milonas onto everyone at ringside. Milonas slams Ali and a Beer Cit DDT drops Moses. Young hits the Anarchist Suplex on LSG. The Soldiers of Savagery slam Bruiser.

Young catapults LSG into a knee from Woods, who pins LSG for the win.

Winners: Josh Woods & Silas Young

A brief message from Jay Lethal wishes happy holidays to the fans.

In a taped segment, ROH World TV Champion Shane Taylor says Dragon Lee won’t get his fairy tale moment at ROH Final Battle; Taylor says he’s the baddest champion Lee has ever seen and he’ll leave Final Battle as the champion by any means necessary.

Riccaboni and McKay discuss the Honor United tour and Dalton Castle’s improving relationship with Joe Hendry. A video package recaps the history between the duo. The relationship seems tenuous but Hendry is interested in forming a tag team with Castle.

A video package recaps RUSH’s career in ROH.

No Disqualification: Sumie Sakai and Jenny Rose vs. The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Rose (ROH Unauthorized)

The match quickly breaks into a brawl and Sakai & Rose double-team Rose. Love hits her opponents with a chair. Love and Rose dropkick Sakai when she’s sitting in a chair. Sakai hits Rose and Love with a stuffed animal. A brainbuster on a chair plants Love. Rose suplexes Leon on the stage. Love dodges a moonsault and hits Sakai with a Botox Injection for the win.

Winners: Angelina Love & Jenny Rose

After the match, Maria Manic confronts Love and tells Love, “At Final Battle, you’re dead.”

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page!