WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/2/19)

When asked if she regrets challenging the Kabuki Warriors Flair simply says “no” and walks away.

The Viking Raiders vs. Sterling and Lyons

The Viking Raiders make quick work of Sterling and Lyons. Ivar pins Sterling after the Viking Experience.

Winners- The Viking Raiders

The OC vs. Humberto Carrillo, Ricochet, and Rey Mysterio

Before the match starts, The OC tells us they are going to enjoy hurting people tonight and it’s Orton’s fault.

After a series of strike exchanges, Carrillo catches Anderson with an enziguri. Ricochet and Carrillo double team Anderson. Anderson drives Carrillo into The OC’s corner. Styles tags in and crushes Carrillo with a few stomps. Carrillo lands a springboard headbutt. After a distraction by Anderson, Gallows destroys Carrillo with a lariat on the outside. The OC works over Carrillo. Carrillo manages to tag in Mysterio, who clears the ring.

Mysterio almost lands the 619 on Styles but Anderson blocks it. Anderson launches Mysterio into the barricade. After the break, The OC is taking turns beating down Mysterio. Mysterio manages to tag in Ricochet. Ricochet drops Styles with the Recoil. Anderson breaks up the pin. Mysterio lands the 619 on Anderson, Carrillo cartwheel dives to the outside to take out Gallows. Styles surprises Ricochet with an overhead kick. Ricochet tries a top rope ranna but Styles counters into a second rope Styles Clash for the win.

Winners- The OC

After the match, Orton hops the barricade and RKOs Styles.

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