WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/25/19)

Erick Rowan vs Roberts

Roberts tries to take a peek at whatever Rowen has in the cage he is carrying. Rowan powerbombs Roberts into the ring post. Rowen decimates Roberts with two Claw Slams for the win.

Winner- Erick Rowan

Backstage, Styles can barely speak. Styles simply says “Randy Orton”. Styles stomps off.

Backstage, Lana says Rusev is a danger to himself and society. Rusev is obsessed with her. Lana says WWE should fire Rusev. Lana says she is going to be ok after this traumatic experience.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Owens and Rollins fight to the outside. Owens lands a missile dropkick. Senton by Owens. Rollins kicks out. Rollins complete shots Owens into the corner. Rollins puts Owens in a single leg crab. Owens fights his way out of it. Sling Blade by Rollins. Rollins lands a few dives. Rollins misses a springboard. Owens superkicks Rollins. Rollins rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. The referee tells Rollins to put the chair down. After the break, Owens tries a senton. Rollins gets his knees up. Owens surprises Rollins with a DDT. Rollins misses a splash in the corner. Owens crushes Rollins with a cannonball. Owens goes up top. Rollins rolls out of the ring. Owens hits a senton off the apron. Owens tosses Rollins back into the ring. Frog splash by Owens. After a series of counters, Rollins lands the blockbuster. Owens kicks out. Falcon arrow by Rollins. Owens kicks out again. Owens reverses Rollins’ Stomp into the popup powerbomb. Owens and Rollins trade superkicks. Owens Stuns Rollins. AOP power walks to the ring. Owens slaps Rezar. AOP attacks Owens, which causes a disqualification.

Winner- Kevin Owens

After the match, AOP drives Owens into the ring post over and over again. Akam boots Owens’ head into the ring post. Rollins squares up and tells the AOP to come on. Akam and Rezar walk away. Rollins Stomps Owens twice as the show fades to black.

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