AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (11/20/19)

Chris Jericho came out and apologized for his temper tantrum (through Jake Hager) He couldn’t say sorry, but Jake was able to say it for him.

Next week is Chris Jericho’s Thanksgiving Le Champion’s Celebration.

Out comes SCU. Scorpio Sky brags about defeating Jericho last week. he announces that he’ll be going out with his high school sweetheart Melanie Parsons next week, which leads to a Melanie chant and Chris challenges him to a championship match next week, due to great use of reverse psychology by SCU.

SCU gets jumped by the Inner Circle faction. Once SCU was decimated, Jurassic Express came out. Hager would end up backing down from Luchasaurus.

Commercial break.

Back from break, Luchasaurus apparently was supposed to wrestle The Librarian before all of that and once the bell rang the Dinosaur defeated him in about five seconds.

WINNER: Luchasaurus.

Private Party vs. Proud N’ Powerful

Matches to be held in the honor of Matt Travis, the house of Glory wrestler which all four men knew who tragically died recently. both teams acknowledged this during their entrance.

The match starts off with some basic chain wrestling with Santana taking control of Isaiah.

The commercial break would see both teams trade the advantage.

Proud N Powerful have the advantage an avalanche Russian leg sweep and swinging DDT would lead to a deadlift German Suplex and a two count for the members of the Inner Circle.

There was a unique spot where both members of proud N Powerful just kept exchanging deadlift Suplex holds like the British Bulldog. Nick Jackson would interfere and take away the baseball filled sock allowing Private Party to hit the gin and juice for the win.

After the match, the Inner Circle tried to get the jump on everybody but Dustin Rhodes made his return and laid out the inner circle with his cast.

Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley

Darby Allin had a really cool little intro where he came out in a body bag that had Maxis name spray-painted on it.

The match started with a really quick suicide dive from Darby and they would Brawl on the outside for a brief length of time. Darby would go for a dive and just get shrugged off by Moxley. They would then go to a commercial break where Moxley would maintain control.

Back from break, Darby will be too overzealous on a cross body and launch himself over the top rope. Both men then began fighting outside and Jon Moxley would eat the steel steps. Allin began to work over the fingers of Jon Moxley and it would allow Darby to gain control.

Later, Jon Moxley would tie Darby Allen up in the body bag that he made his entrance in and Stomp on the bag.

The referee would actually enforce the rules and mandate that MOX step aside so he could get Darby out of the bag. Darby then bit the fingers of Moxley. Moxley would go for a power slam and it would be countered by Darby with a stunner. Moxley would hit a boss man slam and Darby would try to get the win on a Canadian destroyer.

Moxley would get the win with a very vicious top rope Paradigm Shift DDT.

WINNER: Jon Moxley

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