WWE NXT Takeover WarGames Results (11/23/19)

Dijakovic and Lee launch Strong from one ring to the other into the rest of the UE. Ciampa drops O’Reilly with the draping DDT. Ciampa and Lee set up tables. Lee dives off the top and crossbody blocks everyone. O’Reilly lands a diving knee to Lee’s leg. O’Reilly locks Lee in a kneebar. Dijakovic breaks up the hold with a springboard moonsault. Fish breaks up the pin. Ciampa hits the Fairytale Ending on Fish. Owens follows that with a swanton to Fish. Cole superkicks Ciampa and Owens. Lee goes up top. Strong cuts Lee off. Strong Olympic slams Lee off the top rope. Owens launches O’Reilly into the cage. Owens tries to set up a DVD on the metal between the two rings. Cole fights out of it. Owens tries to package piledriver Cole. Cole escapes and hits the Panama Sunrise between the rings on the metal plating. Owens is not moving.

The UE set up two tables in the ring. Ciampa hits Project Ciampa on O’Reilly. Ciampa lands multiple running knees on Strong and Fish. Cole superkicks Ciampa. Ciampa knees Cole in the head. Ciampa sets Cole up on the top rope. Cole fights out of it. Cole tries to Panama Sunrise Ciampa off the top but Ciampa escapes.  Cole climbs to the top of the cage. Dijakovic chokeslams Strong through a table. Dijakovic tries to do the same to O’Reilly but O’Reilly turns it into a triangle. Dijakovic lays O’Reilly on a table. Owens hits a frog splash on O’Reilly, putting him through the table. On the other side of the ring, Lee powerbombs Fish off the top through a table. Ciampa picks up Cole and hits an air raid crash off the top of the cage through two tables for the win!

Winners- Team Ciampa

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WWE Superstar Lacey Evans gives 101WKQX’s Kevin Kellam a classy preview of this weekend’s big WWE action in Chicago.

WWE Superstar Lacey Evans - "Stop being such nasty things."

Live Photos from WrestleZone’s Kevin Kellam: 



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