WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/18/19)

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Randy Orton and Ricochet vs. The Viking Raiders (c)

Erik slams Ricochet down to the mat. Ricochet responds with a backflip head-scissors. Ricochet tries a dive but Erik catches him in midair. Before Erik can powerbomb him, Orton makes the save. Backstage, Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode are attacking RAW Superstars. After the break, Ricochet and Ivar trade back rolls and cartwheels. Ricochet misses a handspring attack. Ivar lands a handspring back elbow. Suicide dive by Ivar. Orton drops Ivar with a hangman’s DDT. Orton calls for the RKO. Most of the SmackDown roster runs in from backstage to attack all four men.

Winner- No Contest

The Viking Raiders, Orton, and Ricochet clear the ring. As SmackDown begs off, NXT attacks from behind. NXT leaves SmackDown laying. More members of NXT surround the ring Orton manages to land two RKOs before the RAW superstars are overtaken. Seth Rollins and the rest of RAW hit the ring.

Backstage, HHH screams that this is the beginning of the end. HHH challenges RAW and SmackDown to show up on NXT this week. HHH is going to leave the doors open for them.



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