Matt Hardy
Photo Credit: Reby Hardy

New Episode Of Matt Hardy’s ‘Free The Delete’ Sees Appearances From Vanguard 1, Skarsgård

Matt Hardy‘s latest episode of “Free The Delete” features the return of Vanguard 1 and Skarsgård The Dilapidated Boat—although they aren’t exactly giving him the answers he’s looking for.

Hardy’s new web series (Episode 1 here and 2 here) sees him searching for more answers as he tries to have his Broken Brilliance restored. Señor Benjamin takes the lawnmower out to prepare the yard (for beautification), and Hardy wants to know why the boat doesn’t speak to him anymore. Towards the end of the clip, Hardy comes across Vanguard 1 and asks the drone to take him back to 2016 when he was the biggest act in wrestling.

Neither one responds to him and Hardy has a bit of a meltdown over not being able to connect with his ‘Broken’ self, then a mysterious voice tells him to re-visit the Lake Of Reincarnation to reunite the two and find the answers he seeks.

Check out the new episode below:

In episode three of “FREE THE DELETE”, Matt struggles to communicate with his former allies, causing him to be haunted by the ESSENCE of his #BROKENBrilliance. A chance encounter with an old friend, an OMEGA alumni, turns violent as Matt’s mortal sanity begins to spiral out of control. Matt is visited by another one of the #7Deities, BROHARE, and is mandated to forge a daunting structure. BROHARE says these tasks must be completed for Matt to reunite with ZENITH.


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