WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/11/19)

The OC vs. Randy Orton, Ricochet, and Humberto Carrillo 

Anderson and Ricochet start the match. Ricochet takes Anderson over with a backflip head scissors. Dropkick by Ricochet. Ricochet reluctantly tags in Orton. Orton tags in Carrillo. The OC stomps Carrillo in the corner. Carrillo surprises Styles with a sky-high springboard arm drag. Styles knocks Orton off the apron. Ricochet takes Styles out with a springboard crossbody. Orton gets in Ricochet’s face. Carrillo tries to break it up. After the break, Ricochet tags in Carrillo. Carrillo springboard headbutts Styles. Carrillo tries another springboard but Styles drops Carrillo face-first on the mat. The OC take turns beating down Carrillo.

Carrillo manages to tag in Ricochet, who clears the ring. Ricochet eats a spinebuster from Anderson. Gallows knocks Orton off the apron. Ricochet tags in Carrillo. Carrillo misses a moonsault. Orton tells Carrillo to tag him. Orton powerslams Styles. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Anderson breaks it up. Everyone lands a big move. Carrillo takes out Gallows and Anderson with a moonsault to the outside. Orton stalks Ricochet and Styles. Instead of RKOing Ricochet, Orton drops Styles with the RKO. Orton tags in Carrillo. Carrillo hits a moonsault on Styles for the win.

Winners- Randy Orton, Ricochet, and Humberto Carrillo

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