Erick Rowan vs. Soner Dursun
Rowan is carrying a cage that is covered in a sheet. Rowan leaves the cage at the commentary desk. Dursun lands a right hand. Rowan clubs Dursun down to the mat. Rowan yells at Dursun to stay down. Rowan tosses Dursun out of the ring. Rowan flattens Dursun with a running crossbody block. Rowan sends Dursun back into the ring. Rowan pins Dursun after the Iron Claw Slam.
Winner- Erick Rowan
The Viking Raiders vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster
Webster knocks Ivar off the apron. Webster sends Erik to the outside. Webster tries a dive but Erik catches Webster. Andrews hits a suicide dive that finally takes Erik off his feet. Double stage dive by Andrews and Webster. Andrews hits Stun Dog Millionaire. Webster lands a senton off the top but he lands on Erik’s leg. That looked nasty. Erik kicks out. Erik slams Ivar into Webster. Erik and Ivar destroy Andrews with the Viking Experience for the win.
Winners- The Viking Raiders
Backstage, Ricochet tells Orton that he knows what Orton is up to. Ricochet knows that Orton is going to try to RKO him out of nowhere. Orton tells Ricochet that the last thing Ricochet should do is let Orton get in his head.
TAKE IT TO 'EM.#RAW @MandrewsJunior @Flash_Morgan
— NXT UK (@NXTUK) November 12, 2019