If you didn’t know, Kyle O’Reilly lives with type 1 diabetes. Since November is Diabetes Awareness month he opened up about how he is able to perform despite the medical condition.
This device on my arm is a continuous glucose monitor and it is basically my life line,” wrote the superstar. “I know how hard it can be living with diabetes. Injecting insulin or constantly stabbing your finger to test your blood at what always seems to be the prime inopportune moment. There are so many variables that make living with this disease difficult and every day is a struggle to maintain healthy blood sugars.
“I’ve been inspired recently by @chrisruden and @the_t1d_firefighter two guys who are very comfortable in their skin and are very open about living with type 1 diabetes. I’ve been reminded that nobody has to travel this road on their own and having a support system is critical in diabetes management. Although there is no cure, medical technology continues to advance and having the @eversensecgm CGM become a part of my life has really changed the game for me.
“I know how self conscious one can be with pump wires hanging out of your shirt or having to draw and inject insulin in the middle of a crowded restaurant, but that’s life. And having this device makes me feel like a cyborg which is cool too. If you or somebody you know struggles with this disease you’ve got someone cheering you on. If you care for a child with diabetes let them know they can achieve anything. Doctors told me a career in pro-wrestling would be impossible. I’m an NXT tag-team champion now. This is a mental grind as much as it is a physical grind and take each day with a new perspective and chance to be better than you were yesterday.”