WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins spoke with The Houston Chronicle about a wide range of topics.
In the interview, he looked back on his seven-year run in the WWE so far and more. Here are the highlights:
Evolution of wrestling:
“Yeah, it’s interesting seeing that evolution from the outside perspective. In the ring it’s a little different. The pace and energy and style aren’t different than what you’re accustomed to. But I agree, if you tune out for a decade and come back it doesn’t look the same. It’s a different audience. Attention spans are shorter, everybody has the internet on their cell phone. So wrestling is a different product and we’re catering to that audience. You have to try to stay ahead.”
Constant changes to his character:
“You transition into different slayers. Beast Slayer. Hey, there’s always something out there to slay. There’s always something out there to slay. You find a way to make a new monster. The arc of my character over seven years has been all over the place. And there’s an infinite number of places to go from here.”