John Pollock of POST Wrestling recently interviewed NWA Vice President David Lagana. In the interview, Lagana discussed the debut of NWA Powerrr, the process of planning the show and more.
On the premiere of NWA Powerrr:
Lagana: “It was a conscious effort to keep it very much bottled up so that when everyone watched it it became this… I hate using the word viral but it did. It’s one of the reasons we went with the extra ‘R’ because you’re like, ‘wait why is the word power trending with three r’s?’ It was all very conscious decisions to live in a culture where attention is everything and, as Billy has said in multiple interviews and I think it was even in the documentary that R.E. Dalton directed, we wanted to win the day and and, you know, as the numbers showed, AEW Dark ended up helping us get new viewers based upon our good friends at YouTube and the suggested video algorithm, you know, two shows that run with long watch times worked very well together.”
On why NWA waited until now to produce a TV show again:
Lagana: “We wanted to wait and it was really sort of a calculated decision because we could have done this two years ago but I think what’s been really good is, we’ve slowly seeped into the consciousness so that when we did this premiere, it was a lot bigger because we sort of touched a lot of different companies and talents over the last two years of doing this and so we wanted that first impression to be really strong and to be able to create a show that felt really familiar but I think the key is, it moved at a pace that I don’t think a lot of wrestling shows move at.”
The full episode can be listened to here:
RELATED: NWA Reaches 100K Subscribers, Captures AEW Dark’s Audience For Powerrr