WWE Hell in a Cell Results

WWE Hell In A Cell Results (10/6/19)

Main Card

Hell in a Cell RAW Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Sasha Banks

Before the cell lowers, Banks attacks Lynch. Banks whips Lynch into the cell. Banks rams Lynch headfirst into the cell. Banks rolls back into the ring while Lynch is out on the floor. Lynch crawls back into the cell. Lynch pummels Banks as the referee closes the cell door. Lynch raps a chain around her fist. Lynch punches Banks in the gut with the chain. Banks rolls out of the ring. Lynch rubs Banks’ face in the cell, cheese grater style. Lynch sends Banks into the ring steps. Lynch pulls a table from under the ring. Lynch tries to pull out a ladder but Banks attacks her from behind. Banks sets up the ladder outside the ring. Lynch hits Banks with a chair. Lynch sends Banks into the ring. Banks rolls up Lynch as soon as she gets in the ring. Lynch kicks out. Lynch slams Banks’ head into a chair. Banks dropkicks that same chair into Lynch’s face. Banks misses a chair shot. Lynch responds with an exploder. Banks falls out of the ring.

Lynch dropkicks Banks into the cell. Lynch tries to send Banks back into the ring but Banks swings into a head kick. Banks hits Meteora off the apron while Lynch is laying on a ladder! Banks slams the ladder on Lynch’s head. Lynch crawls towards the cell door. Banks slams Lynch’s arm in the cell door over and over again. Banks slams a chair on Lynch’s injured arm. Banks misses another chair shot. Lynch kicks the chair into Banks’ gut. Banks rolls out to the apron. Lynch dropkicks Banks off the apron. Banks falls into the cage. Lynch exploder suplexes Banks into the cage. Lynch bulldogs Banks onto an open chair twice. Banks somehow kicks out. Lynch missile dropkicks Banks as she is clutching a chair. Banks kicks out! Banks retreats to the outside. Lynch tries to follow but Banks wacks her with a kendo stick. Lynch sets a chair up against the cage, braced with kendo sticks. Lynch sits Banks on the chair. Lynch dropkicks Banks into the cage. Lynch gets a near fall after an Irish Jam off the top.

Lynch sets up a table. Banks surprises her with the backstabber. Banks tries to set up a superplex. Lynch escapes and tries to powerbomb Banks. Banks kicks Lynch away and hits Meteroa through the table! Lynch kicks out! Banks puts Lynch in the Banks Statement with a kendo stick. Lynch escapes through the ropes and blasts Banks with the same kendo stick. Lynch tries to whip Banks into a chair that is stuck in the cell but Banks reverses it. Banks tosses a bunch of chairs into the ring. Banks hits Lynch with a chair over and over again. Banks goes up top. Lynch hits Banks with a chair. Lynch exploder suplexes Banks off the top onto a pile of chairs. Lynch locks Banks in the DisArmHer. Banks taps out.

Winner and STILL RAW Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!

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