GCW Curtain Call Results (9/30) GCW Says Goodbye To Joey, Jungle Boy & Marko

Show is available on FITE.TV.

FIRST MATCH: Jungle Boy vs. Jake Atlas

Both men shake hands and hug to start. They then trade a series of flips and counters, that ends with Jungle Boy walking on his hands and Atlas doing pushups. Jungle Boy counters a powerbomb with Yoshi Tonic and covers for two.

They trade cartwheels and back rollups. Jungle Boy hits a dropkick. Atlas retreats from the ring. Jungle Boy hits a tope. They trade chops in the crowd. Atlas misses an Apron Tiger Feint Kick. Jungle Boy gets Atlas back in the ring.

Atlas hits a big knee. Atlas hits a corner Shining Wizard. Atlas hits a springboard facebuster and covers for two. They battle on the apron. Atlas hits a huge knee on the apron and rolls Jungle Boy back in the ring. Atlas covers for two.

Jungle Boy, crowd behind him fully, trades chops with Atlas. Atlas fights to his feet and delivers a series of stiff forearms. Jungle Boy hits a leaping knee. Atlas hits a kick. Jungle Boy hits a discus clothesline. Both men are down.

They get to their feet. They trade chops. Jungle Boy hiptosses Atlas into the corner, and curb stomps him into the turnbuckle. Jungle Boy covers for two.

Jungle Boy gives the “international signal of flippy shit,” and climbs to the top rope. Atlas recovers and rakes Jungle Boy’s back. Jungle Boy fights back. Atlas hits a facebuster. Atlas hits a springboard Canadian Destroyer. Atlas covers for two. Atlas hits an Argentine Rack Cutter. Atlas covers for two.

Jungle Boy gets a cradle for two. Jungle Boy hits a Crucifix. Jungle Boy hits a knee strike. Jungle Boy covers for two. Atlas hits a Jumping Cutter. Atlas hits the LGBDDT but Jungle Boy shifts momentum for the pinfall.

WINNER: Jungle Boy

SECOND MATCH: Marko Stunt Invitational

Marko Stunt thanks the fans for “making [him] a star.” He then challenges KTB to a rematch of Marko Stunt’s Debut

Marko Stunt vs. KTB

Stunt dominates KTB to start and dumps him out of the ring. Stunt hits a cannonball through the ropes. Stunt rolls KTB back in the ring. Stunt climbs to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash. Stunt covers for two.

KTB hits a Gore. KTB covers for two. KTB hits a Jackhammer. KTB covers for two.

Stunt gets control back and gets a series of nearfalls. Stunt climbs to the top rope. KTB recovers. KTB hits a Superplex. KTB covers for one.

KTB hits a Fireman’s Carry Slam. KTB hits an Asai Moonsault Headbutt. KTB covers for two.

KTB takes Stunt to the top rope. Stunt blocks a Top Rope Piledriver. Stunt hits a Super Hurricanrana. Stunt hits an enzuigiri. Stunt hits a diving bulldog. Stunt covers for two.

Stunt hits a Shining Wizard. Stunt covers for two. KTB hits an Avalanche Slam. KTB gets a nearfall. KTB hits a series of powerbombs. KTB covers for two.

Stunt fights back. Stunt hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Codebreaker. Stunt covers for two, but the bell rings. There is confusion. Stunt climbs to the top rope. Stunt hits a 450 Splash for the pinfall.

WINNER: Marko Stunt

Stunt and KTB shake hands, while the crowd chants “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”


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