WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night Smackdown Results (10/4/19)

October 4, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

Vince and Stephanie McMahon walk out on the ramp to welcome everyone to Fox and Smackdown.

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says it feels good to be on Smackdown tonight. Lynch thanks the Smackdown crowd for using their voices to lift her up. Baron Corbin interrupts. Corbin says he should be starting off the show. Corbins asks Lynch if she really still thinks she is the Man. Lynch tells Corbin to take one more step and he will find out. The Rock’s music hits much to no one’s surprise. Rock stands on the ramp and takes off his jacket. Rock power walks to the ring. Rock daps up Lynch. Rock mentions that years ago he told some jabroni that he was going to lay the Smackdown on him and it turned into a phenomenon. It all made it possible for the Rock to stand her with the Man and Corbin, who looks like a broke-ass burger king on crack.

Corbin tells Rock that this isn’t his home and that we are all looking at the most electrifying king. Rock tells Corbin that just because he won King of the Ring that doesn’t make him a king. Lynch is the Man, but you don’t see her walking around with a pair of testicles in her hand. Lynch adds that if she did they would be much bigger than Corbin’s. Corbin says his testicles are adequate. The Rock asks Corbin what he thinks and before Corbin can answer Lynch cuts Corbin off and tells him it doesn’t matter. Rock tries to put Corbin over. Lynch says Corbin is a super tough dude. Rock gets an STD chant started. Lynch tells Corbin that it’s going to stick with Corbin for life. The Rock and Lynch beat the crap out of Corbin. Rock hits the People’s Elbow followed by the Rock Bottom.


Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!