WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (9/25/19)

Imperium vs. Kushida and Breezango

Fabian tosses Kushida into the corner. Kushida catches Fabian with a dropkick. Spinebuster by Fabian. Barthel hits a PK. Wolfe tags in and hits a German suplex. Fandango tags in and dropkicks Wolfe. Fandango hangs Wolfe on the top rope. Breeze and Fandango lands stereo boots. Breeze suplexes Wolfe. Fabian tosses Breeze to the outside. Imperium takes turns beating down Breeze. Breeze manages to tag in Fandango. Fandango clears the ring.

Fandango sends Barthel to the outside. Fandango hits a tope, taking out each member of Imperium. Kushida tags in and puts Barthel in a cross arm breaker. Wolfe and Fabian break up the pin. Kushida lands a straight right. Kushida tries a handspring but Barthel counters with a European uppercut. Barthel sends Kushida into the ropes but Kushida counters with an O’Connor roll with a bridge for the win.

Winners- Kushida and Breezango

After the match, Walter attacks Kushida.


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