WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (9/18/19)

Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contenders Match: Lio Rush vs. Oney Lorcan

Lorcan hits a series of running European uppercuts. Lorcan blasts Rush with a running blockbuster. Rush kicks out. Handspring kick by Rush. Rush hits three suicide dives in a row! Rush lands a flurry of strikes for a near fall. Lorcan takes Rush over with a dragon screw. Lorcan knocks Rush to the outside. Lorcan gets another near fall after a gut-wrench powerbomb. Rush fires back with a few chops. Lorcan picks Rush’s leg and locks in a single leg crab. Rush kicks his way out of the hold. Lorcan blasts Rush with a gnarly chop. Lorcan whips Rush into the ropes. Rush springboard off the middle rope and hits a stunner for a near fall. Rush goes up top.

Lorcan moves out of the way. Rush lands on his feet but his knee gives out. Lorcan powerbombs Rush and transitions into a single leg crab. Rush escapes. Rush tries a head kick but Lorcan catches Rush’s foot and locks in the single-leg crab again. Lorcan turns that into the STF. Rush almost passes out. Rush makes it to the ropes as the crowd chants “fight Lio, fight”. Lorcan tries a slap but Rush ducks it. Rush lands a few slaps of his own. Lorcan fires up and levels Lorcan with chop after chop. Lorcan tries another blockbuster but Rush counters with a standing Spanish fly! Rush hits the frog splash for the win!

Winner and NEW Number One Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship, Lio Rush!

WWE NXT Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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