WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/9/19)

Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

Evans chokes Natalya with the apron. Slingshot elbow for a near fall by Evans. Evans misses a second rope moonsault. Natalya tries to fire up but Evan boots her in the gut. Evans slams Natalya’s head into the ring post. Evans tries a broncobuster but Natalya gets a boot up. Natalya puts Evans in the Sharpshooter. Evans taps out.

Winner- Natalya

Firefly Funhouse

Wyatt is trying to talk when Ramblin Rabbit and friends all complain about Stone Cold being in the ring with their friend Seth. Wyatt says the Fiend forgives but never forgets.

Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, The Viking Raiders, and Cedric Alexander vs. The OC, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode

Rollins and Ziggler trade armbars and pin and hip tosses. Alexander attacks Styles, which leads to a huge brawl. After the break, The OC and crew are beating down Alexander. Alexander manages to tag in Rollins, who clears the ring. Everyone takes everyone out. Rollins hits a dive as Strowman runs over Gallows. They repeat the process with Anderson. Strowman Powerslam Anderson. Ziggler and Roode push Rollins into Strowman to break up the pin. Strowman yells at Rollins about what just happened. When we return from the break. The OC is taking turns beating down Rollins. Erik tags in and hits a knee on Styles. Ivar tags himself in and seated sentons Styles. Ivar goes up top and hits a senton to the outside. Styles tries the Phenomenal Forearm but Alexander moves out of the way. Alexander obliterates Styles with the Lumbar Check for the win!

Winners- Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, The Viking Raiders, and Cedric Alexander

After the match, Stone Cold runs down to the ring and drinks beer with the winners.



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