All Out

AEW All Out Results – Jericho Wins The World Title, Bucks & Lucha Bros Go To War, Santana & Ortiz Debut

Escalera De La Muerte (AAA World Tag Team Championship)

Lucha Brothers (Pentagón Jr. and Rey Fénix) (c) vs. The Young Bucks

After some dueling taunts, Matt sets up for a Meltzer Driver but the Lucha Bros roll outside and Fenix comes back with a running powerbomb. Pentagon follows with a seated dropkick to the ‘perineum region’, then the Bucks come back after Matt powerbombs Fenix into the corner and Nick kicks him in the back of the head. Fenix ends up bridged over Matt’s knees and Nick hits a legdrop, then they go for the ladders but Pentagon tackles them and Fenix comes back with a huge leapfrog dive over the ladders out to the floor. They get the ladders in the ring and Matt and Pentagon fight on the ladder in the center, then they take each other out with cutters before Pentagon and Matt spear Nick and Fenix through tables on the floor.

Matt sends Pentagon into the ladder and Fenix follows with a springboard hurricanrana on Nick into a ladder laid out on the ropes, then they bring a taller ladder in the ring and Nick springboard off the top rope and dives onto Pentagon on the floor. Fenix follows with a dive of his own, then Pentagon and Matt climb the ladder but Pentagon hops over the side of the ladder and hits Sling Blade and knocks the ladder over.

They start building a tower of ladder in the corner, then Pentagon ends up hitting a somersault piledriver off the ladder through a table. Nick and Fenix end up locking eyes and taunt each other as their respective brothers lay below them on tables, and Fenix splashes Matt as Nick splashes Pentagon on the opposite side of the ringside area. Nick goes to the foot of the entrance ramp and sets up two tables, but goes back in the ring as Fenix starts to climb the ladder in the center of the ring. Fenix kicks him, but Matt superkicks him and ends up putting Pentagon in a crossface through the ladder while Nick puts him in a crab.

Nick goes up the ladder as Matt and Pentagon crash to the mat, then Pentagon shoves the ladder and Nick goes crashing through the two tables on the floor that he’d set up earlier. Matt and Pentagon climb the ladder and Matt rips Pentagon’s mask off, and Pentagon stops to cover his face and crashes to the mat. Fenix runs in and Matt superkicks him from the ladder, then Pentagon runs over and tips the ladder and we see Matt slam down on the side of it. Pentagon rolls outside to cover his face and get his mask back, then he assists Fenix with a package piledriver combo on a ladder wedged in between the ring apron and the barricade. After they set a ladder back up, the Lucha Bros climb up the ladder together and reclaim their titles to win the match.

Winners – Lucha Bros

The Lucha Bros are attacked by two masked men, then they target the Young Bucks by hitting Matt with a flipping powerbomb combination. They finally take their masks off to reveal themselves to be Santana and Ortiz, the former members of IMPACT Wrestling’s LAX.

AEW World Championship

Adam Page vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho plays some cat and mouse before Page catches up with him, then Jericho goes for a springboard dive but Page ducks and Jericho falls to the floor. Page runs and goes for a Shooting Star Press off the apron, but Jericho catches him with knees to the face and works over Page on the floor. Jericho rings the bell like he’s already won, then he rolls him back in and taunts the crowd and flexes before stomping Page near the ropes. Jericho connects with a senton for two before they trade chops and Page whips him outside. Page’s knee gives out and Jericho heads up top, but Page rebounds and hits a fallaway slam before Jericho counters a scoop slam with the Walls Of Jericho. Page rolls through and punches Jericho in the head to break the hold, then he connects with a discus punch that ends up busting Jericho open above his eye.

Page rakes at Jericho’s cut and sets him up on the turnbuckles, then hits a neckbreaker for two before Page takes off his elbow pad. Jericho ends up suplexing Page on the top rope, but Page comes back with a big lariat before he sets up for Dead Eye. Jericho blocks and locks in Walls Of Jericho, then after the hold is broken Jericho has words with referee Aubrey Edwards and she warns him about getting disqualified. Page sends Jericho outside and goes for a moonsault, but only catches part of Jericho and slams his knee on the bottom of the entrance ramp. Page goes for another standing shooting star press, then he connects with Dead Eye but only gets a two count. Page connects with a Buck Shot lariat, then he goes for a tie up but Jericho counters with a backslide and catches him with the Judas Effect for the win.

Winner – Chris Jericho