All Out

AEW All Out Results – Jericho Wins The World Title, Bucks & Lucha Bros Go To War, Santana & Ortiz Debut

Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson)

Chuck ducks a clothesline by Stu, but Stu drives him into the corner where Uno gets the tag. Uno and Stu kick Chuck, but Trent blindtags in off of the ropes and they clear the ring with clotheslines before celebrating with a hug. Trent gets a near fall before Uno backs over to the ropes, and they use quick tags to keep Trent down. Trent attempts to make a comeback after he backdrops Stu out on the apron, but Stu charges at Chuck and knocks him off of the apron. Uno charges the corner and runs into a tornado DDT from Trent, then Chuck finally gets a tag and runs in to hit a standing Sliced Bread and a sitout slam.

Chuck assists Trent with an Ace Crusher on Stu for two, then they end up outside and Stu connects with a dive to Chuck on the floor. Stu suplexes Trent into Chuck in the corner, then they hit a senton / 450 combination but Trent ends up kicking out. Chuck prevents Stu and Uno from closing things out by breaking up a double team move, then he hits a Sexy Chuckie Knee and follows up with a Half N Half combo with Trent. Uno walks into a dropkick as Stu was tagged in, but Stu gets dropped with an Awful Waffle… only to have Uno pull Trent off of the pin. The Creepers attack Chuck and whip him into the steps, then they roll Trent back into the ring and Uno hooks Trent’s arms, and they hit the Fatality for the win.

Winners – The Dark Order

The Dark Order attacks The Best Friends after the bell, but Orange Cassidy appears out of nowhere and hits a tope suicida with his hands in his pockets, taking out the Creepers. Best Friends enter the ring and give him a hug for the assist.

Riho vs. Hikaru Shida

Shida and Riho trade off on waistlocks, then Shida gets a shoulder tackle before Riho hits the ropes to get away. Riho takes a backbreaker but rebounds with a dropkick, then Shida hits a running kneelift before hitting another backbreaker for two. Riho makes a comeback with a spinning headscissors takedown, then she pulls the ropes down as Shida charges and tries to go up top. Shida cuts her off and they fight on the turnbuckles, but Riho knocks her back and connects with a diving double stomp to the stomach.

Riho goes for a 619 but it gets blocked, then Shida goes for a stretch muffler but Riho counters and gets a near fall rollup. Riho goes for another rollup but transitions through into a double stomp, then Shida connects with a fallaway slam before Shida knees her Riho in the head for a near fall. Shida connects with a step-up enziguiri, then Shida tries to pull her up to the top turnbuckle and is successful as she hits a suplex over the turnbuckles. Shida keeps punching Riho and they head back up to the top turnbuckle, and Riho shoves Shida back, connecting with a huge double stomp in the air before she connects with a running double knee strike for two. Riho heads up top but Shida sidesteps her, only to have Riho hit another running knee strike before Shida connects with a big backbreaker for two. Riho ducks a knee strike by Shida and spins around, transitioning into a rollup for the win.

Winner – Riho

Cody Rhodes (w/ ???) vs. Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard)

Brandi Rhodes (as Seven Of Nine), DDP and MJF (in Star Trek gear) and Pharaoh walk Cody to the ring, but Cody appears to choose MJF to stay in his corner.  Cody rushes the ring and dives through the ropes onto Spears on the floor. He sends him into the crowd and plays to the crowd, then they slug it out before getting back in the ring. The bell finally rings, but they go right back to the floor and Cody slams Spears on the ramp and warns Tully to back off. Cody turns his back and Tully hooks his arm, and Spears takes advantage as referee Earl Hebner was dealing with MJF at ringside. They trade chops before Spears sends Cody outside and Spears slams him crotch first into the ring post, then he takes Cody weight belt and spits on it before getting in Hebner’s face. Spears shoves Hebner a few times, but Hebner shoves him back and takes the weight belt away. As Hebner is turned, Tully hands Spears his belt, and Spears whips Cody with it but Cody gets pissed and stomps the hell out of Spears in the corner.

Cody connects with a springboard cutter and an Alabama slam, then he goes for a Figure Four as he taunts Tully, but Spears rolls over and reverses it. Tully helps Spears cinch down on the hold, but Cody reaches the ropes to break it. Cody rolls outside and Spears follows, slamming Cody on the ramp as Hebner starts to count. MJF tries to drag Cody towards the ring and screams at Cody not to quit, and Cody makes it back in and counters an attack with Cross Rhodes. Tully jumps on the ramp to prevent the pin attempt, and MJF goads him into a fight so Tully starts taping up his fist. They take their coats off and MJF neatly folds his scarf, but ends up throwing it in Tully’s face and they start choking each other. Spears bicycle kicks MJF in the head and Tully goes after him on the floor, then Arn Anderson makes his way out and drops Spears with a big spinebuster that gets the crowd to erupt. Tully can’t believe what’s going on, and he follows Arn up the ramp and tries to make sense of what happened.

When things finally settle down, Spears grabs a chair and heads back in the ring, but Cody kicks Spears in the chest and hits a facebuster. Cody grabs the chair and winds up, but Spears begs him not to do it and says they’re friends. Cody drops the chair and throws some American Dream-esque jabs, then follows with a Disaster Kick into the chair and Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner – Cody Rhodes