All Out

AEW All Out Results – Jericho Wins The World Title, Bucks & Lucha Bros Go To War, Santana & Ortiz Debut

Main Show

SCU vs. Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Marko Stunt (Jurassic Express)

Jungle Boy tries to outpace Kaz before Daniels tags in and hits a STO on Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy blocks an attack and comes back with an armdrag, then he tags Luchasaurus and they connect with kicks in succession on Daniels. Marko comes in and hits a hurricanrana, then he sends Daniels outside and starts flossing before Kaz gets thrown outside with him. Stunt hits a suicide dive on him, then Jungle Boy splashes all three SCU members before the crowd erupts as Luchasaurus hits a somersault dive over the ropes.

SCU gains control after attacking Jungle Boy in the corner, then they taunt Marko and Luchasaurus before Daniels applies a headlock. Jungle boy floats out of a suplex and connects with a clothesline, then Luchasaurus comes in and connects with some thrust kicks and a chokeslam, and a standing moonsault for a near fall. Marko comes in off of the tag and gets a near fall, then Luchasaurus calls for a chokeslam on Daniels and Kaz, but Scorpio breaks it up and assists in hitting Luchasaurus with a triple team maneuver. Kaz and Daniels follow with a Tombstone piledriver / BME combo, and SCU picks up the win.

Winners – SCU

PAC vs. Kenny Omega

PAC and Omega taunt each other after a tie-up, then PAC goes for a monkey flip and retreats outside as Omega hits the ropes and backdrops PAC to the floor. PAC whips Omega into the barricade, but Omega reverses it at the last second and follows up by slamming PAC’s head onto a chair next to them. PAC comes back by slamming Omega into the barricade and chokes him with his boot, then PAC whips him inside and connects with a missile dropkick.

Omega makes a comeback by dropkicking PAC off the apron, then follows with a tope suicida. Omega hits a fisherman’s buster, then PAC hits a moonsault and a backflip DDT off the second rope for two. Omega gets sent outside, and PAC connects with a moonsault on the floor and catches him legs on the barricade on the way down. PAC gets Omega back in the ring and taunts him, then they trade chops and punches before Omega lands a huge kick that sends PAC into the corner. Omega connects with a buckle bomb and a sitout spinebuster for two, then Omega connects with a V-Trigger and calls for One-Winged Angel. PAC blocks it so Kenny slams him backwards and gets a two count, then he sets up a Tiger Driver but PAC backdrops him and leaps over the ropes to land a diving cutter and a German suplex for two.

Kenny comes back with another V-Trigger, then PAC blocks a second one before he throws two kicks and goes for a step-up enziguiri. Kenny ducks it, but PAC catches him with a follow through, but Omega catches him with another big boot and follows with another V-Trigger before rolling through to prevent a reverse hurricanrana. PAC and Kenny slug it out before PAC locks in the Brutalizer (Rings Of Saturn), and Omega tries to break it but makes Omega pass out.

Winner – PAC

Cracker Barrel Clash
Darby Allin vs. Joey Janela vs. Jimmy Havoc

Jimmy goes right out and gets a staple gun, but staples his own chest and dares his opponents to come after him. Darby and Joey attack him and send him outside, then they use gaffer’s tape to tie Jimmy to a chair and Darby pours thumbtacks in Jimmy’s mouth. Joey uses more tape to keep the tacks in Jimmy’s mouth, then Darby flips over a lariat attempt by Joey and sends him crashing into the barricade. Joey sidesteps a corner attack but ends up getting taken down with an armdrag, then Darby heads up top appears to pause when Jimmy dares him come after him instead of Joey. Darby ends up hitting Jimmy (who is still taped to the chair) with a flip from the top turnbuckle, then Darby goes for a Coffin Drop but Joey cuts him off and hits Emerald Fusion on the side of the apron.

Joey gets a table and sets it up as Jimmy gets free, and he spits thumbtacks at Joey and pokes him in the eyes. Jimmy whips Joey into the ring steps, then he brings him back inside and gives Joey a papercut in between the webbing on his fingers. Not satisfied with his work, Jimmy staples Joey’s head and monkey flips him, but Joey lands on a chair in the seated position and plays to the crowd. Jimmy turns and staples Joey’s head, then Joey takes Jimmy out before Jimmy springboards near the apron and puts Darby through the table with a somersault piledriver. Joey heads up top as the crowd chants ‘Cracker Barrel’, and he goes for a moonsault but Jimmy Havoc sidesteps him and Joey hits the crowd with a sickening thud.

Jimmy smashes the tray of Cracker Barrel biscuits over Joey’s back, then he gets the Cracker Barrel 50th anniversary barrel on the top of the stage and walks into a clothesline by Joey, then Darby brings a skateboard into the ring and hits Joey in the face with it. We know see that the skateboard is covered in tacks, and he ollies off of the top turnbuckle and dropkicks it into Joey’s back. Jimmy sends Darby headfirst into the ring steps, but Darby repays the favor before Jimmy starts shooting staples towards Darby’s direction. Darby sends him back into the steps and pulls them out near the ramp, then lays Jimmy on top of them and climbs the ropes with one of the barrels. Darby leaps off in an attempt to hit a reverse senton, but Jimmy rolls away and Darby crashes through the barrel and lands back first on the steps. Joey charges the corner and connects with a DDT on Jimmy, then Joey heads back up top and hits a diving elbow drop for two. Jimmy ends up catching Joey with a slam through the second barrel, then follows up with the Acid-Rainmaker for the win.

Winner – Jimmy Havoc


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