WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (8/26/19)

Sasha Banks vs. Natalya 

Natalya double legs Banks and lands a few punches. Banks misses a baseball slide. Natalya whips Banks into the barricade. Natalya suplexes Banks out on the floor. Natalya sends Banks back into the ring and rains down more punches. Banks tries a wheelbarrow but Natalya reverses it into a snapping release German suplex. Banks manages to kick out. Banks rolls out of the ring. Natalya tries to follow but Banks slams Natalya’s injured arm into the ring post. Banks launches Natalya into the time keeper’s area. Banks works over Natalya’s arm. Banks locks Natalya in the Banks Statment. Natalya almost gets to the ropes. Banks modifies the Banks Statment, choking Natalya with her injured arm in the process. Natalya taps out.

Winner- Sasha Banks

After the match, Banks attacks Natalya, putting her in the Banks Statement again.

Backstage, AJ Styles says he is going to beat Strowman tonight.

Cedric Alexander vs. Cesaro

Cesaro destroys Alexander with a European uppercut. Alexander responds with a few chops. backflip head scissors by Alexander. Alexander tries a suicide dive, but Cesaro obliterates him with a gnarly European uppercut. Alexander surprises Cesaro with a slingshot front face DDT. Cesaro falls to the outside. Alexander finally lands a dive. Alexander gets a near fall. Cesaro escapes Alexander’s Lumbar Check attempt. After the break, Cesaro is working over Alexander’s knee. Alexander struggles but manages to get Cesaro up for a Michinoku driver. Cesaro kicks out. Alexander tries a springboard but his knee gives out. Alexander climbs up top. Cesaro cuts Alexander off and hits a deadlift superplex. Alexander kicks out again. Half crab by Cesaro. Alexander gets to the ropes to break the hold. Cesaro walks right into a standing Spanish fly. Cesaro kicks out! Alexander tries the Lumbar Check but his knee gives out again. Cesaro puts Alexander in a half crab. Alexander surprises Cesaro with the Lumbar Check for the win!

Winner- Cedric Alexander

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