WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (8/19/19)

King of the Ring Round One: Cedric Alexander vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn chokes Alexander in the ripes. Backbreaker by Zayn. Zayn keeps trying to pin Alexander but Alexander will not stay down. Michinoku driver by Zayn. Alexander kicks out. Alexander lands a back elbow followed by a dropkick. Zayn falls to the outside. Suicide dive by Alexander. Alexander sends Zayn back into the ring. Handspring back elbow by Zayn. Alexander hits the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winner- Cedric Alexander

Backstage, The Street Profits run down what has happened so far on RAW.

Backstage, Anderson and Gallows complain about having to face Strowman and Rollins tonight. Styles give them a pep talk

Backstage, Natalya tells us that she expected this to be an emotional week. She did not expect Banks. Banks was her friend. One of Natalya’s closes friends. Banks attacks Natalya from behind. Banks slams Natalya’s arm into a crate. Banks tells Natalya to go to hell and tell her daddy Banks said hi.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The OC (c) w/AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman

Strowman pushes Gallows. Strowman drives Gallows into the corner. Strowman runs over Gallows. Strowman tags in Rollins who works over Gallows’ arm. Gallows and Anderson take turns working over Rollins. Gallows drops Rollins ribs first on top of the barricade multiple times. After the break, Anderson continues the assault. Strowman gets sent into the ring post by Gallows. Rollins fires up and hits a falcon arrow on Anderson. Anderson kicks out. While the referee is distracted, Styles pushes Rollins off the top rope. The OC hits a back suplex/neck breaker combo. The OC sets up the Magic Killer but Rollins escapes. Gallows holds Rollins so Styles and attack him. Strowman appears out of nowhere and runs over Styles. Rollins tags in Strowman. Strowman hits the Powerslam on Anderson. Styles tries to get in the ring but Rollins Stomps him. Strowman gets the pinfall victory.

Winners and NEW RAW Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins vs. Braun Strowman!


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