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ROH Wrestling Results (8/10/19): Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired August 10, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package recaps Flip Gordon’s betrayal of Lifeblood and the group’s continued rivalry with Villain Enterprises. Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay welcome viewers to the show. They preview the eight-man tag team match between the two stables.

Dragon Lee vs. Jonathan Gresham (replay from Manhattan Mayhem)

The two men exchange strikes early on and Gresham hits Lee below the belt. Later in the match, Gresham grounds Lee and twists him like a pretzel in a submission hold. The Octopus argues with the referee and continues to dominate the match. Both men exchange slaps on the top rope and Lee hits a double stomp while Gresham hangs in the tree of woe. A nasty running knee gets Lee a near fall. Another knee gives Lee the victory.

Winner: Dragon Lee

After the match, McKay interviews Lee, who says he wants to make CMLL more popular. He says everyone knows how dedicated he is and he had an amazing match with Gresham. He says he still has a lot to accomplish in ROH. We hints another surprise is coming.

Gresham, in an interview with McKay, says he’s trying to win and he wants the lifestyle of a champion. He says trying to do things Jay Lethal’s way made him lose the match.

In a video segment, the Shinobi Shadow Squad trains in a gym ahead of their match with Villain Enterprises next week. Riccaboni also previews Karissa Rivera’s match with Women of Honor World Champion Kelly Klein next week. In a video package, Rivera says she’s confident in her abilities and she’ll bring the fight in their match.

In a video package, Rhett Titus looks back on his ROH career and his relationship with Kenny King. Titus says King’s exit from ROH changed his career. He discusses their reunion and subsequent struggles. He says he felt disrespected by King’s recent insults and he regrets not smacking King in Philadelphia.

ROH Wrestling Results continue on the next page!


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