The Singh Brothers posted the following video featuring the ‘Bollywood’ version of The Rock’s new film Hobbs & Shaw. The Rock ended up seeing the clip and joked that the WWE stars are hired, and his ‘Fast’ franchise co-stars could safely retire now:
The trailer.
The scene.
The Bollywood version of, @HobbsAndShaw! ?? @TheRock @BeingSalmanKhan #HobbsAndShaw @WWE
— Bollywood Boyz (@BollywoodBoyz) August 8, 2019
Perfect. You’re hired. All my Hobbs’ co-stars can retire now Statham, Idris, Kev Hart, Ryan Reynolds.. the sequel is “Hobbs & The Singh Brother”
U guys’ll have to fight over who it is.— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 9, 2019
GLOW season three is available world wide on Netflix today.
GLOW fans, you've hit the jackpot. All episodes of Season 3 are now streaming, only on Netflix.
— GLOW (@GlowNetflix) August 9, 2019
Related: GLOW Season 3 Review: Plenty Of Action Outside Of The Ring, But Still Brings The Fight
WWE posted the following extra featuring Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins talking about their friendship with Kofi Kingston, and his early Jamaican gimmick in WWE’s Deep South Wrestling developmental territory.
WWE stars were at last night’s Toronto Blue Jays game last night to throw out a ceremonial first pitch. Kofi Kingston, Becky Lynch, Braun Strowman and Christian also stopped by the set of SportsNet’s Blue Jays Central broadcast:
First Pitch at the Blue Jays game in Toronto #SummerSlam ⚾️? @BeckyLynchWWE @BraunStrowman @Christian4Peeps @TrueKofi
— . (@kimberlasskick) August 8, 2019
Jerry Lawler sells cars, and now fireworks:
The following is a behind-the-scenes look at WWE’s new commercial for the 2K20 video game with Becky Lynch and Roman Reigns on the cover:
Matt Taven is featured in the following video talking about his legacy compared to the legend of Alex Shelley, his challenger at Ring Of Honor’s Summer Supercard event in Toronto. Shelley also spoke with Wrestlezone about what makes Taven a formidable champion; those comments can be viewed at this link.