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ROH Wrestling Results (7/27/19): The Briscoes vs. RUSH & Dragon Lee

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired July 27, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package at the beginning of the show hypes up the match between the Briscoes and RUSH & Dragon Lee.

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman welcome viewers to the show and preview the card.

Josh “the Goods” Woods vs. Silas Young

Young immediately steps out of the ring and grabs a microphone. He says Woods has been in Ring of Honor for two years and he hasn’t done anything. He says the fans don’t respect Woods the way they respect “the Technician of Honor.” Young asks Woods if he wants to be great and earn respect. He says Woods has a long way to go.

Young kicks Woods below the belt and rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Silas Young

A video package recaps last week’s match between Lifeblood and Villain Enterprises.

A video segment shows Jay Lethal talking about losing the ROH World Championship at Madison Square Garden. He says he didn’t tap and he wasn’t pinned. Lethal vows to be the ROH World Champion again.

Shinobi Shadow Squad Ryan Nova, Eli Isom and Cheeseburger  vs. Joe Keys, Brian Johnson, and Dante Caballero

Nova and Keys start the match but Nova drops Keys with a kick to the head. Cheeseburger hits a senton on Caballero and sends Johnson tumbling out of the ring. Caballero and Keys gang up on Cheeseburger, who rolls up Johnson for a near fall. Isom hits a missile dropkick on Caballero and Johnson. Isom hits Kryptonite Krunch on Caballero for a near fall.

Keys accidentally hits Caballero with a dropkick and Shinnobi Shadow Squad triple-team Caballero for the win with Isom getting the pin.

Winners: Shinobi Shadow Squad

Keys and Caballero argue after the match and Caballero slams Keys.

ROH Wrestling Results Continue On The Next Page!


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