WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/22/19)

Backstage, AJ Styles says they are the originals and are better than everyone else. Styles says they should show the world they are the mos

Backstage, Jerry Brisco beat Patterson for the 24/7 Title.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Jerry Brisco

Kelly Kelly decks Jerry and pins him for the 24/7 title.

Winner and new 24/7 Champion, Kelly Kelly!

In-Ring Segment: Samoa Joe

Joe complains about the Raw Reunion. It’s embarrassing how much they are pandering to the WWE Universe. The Usos and Rikishi out here earlier was embarrassing. Roman Reigns walks out on the ramp. Reigns tells Joe they have to fight now since Joe brought up his family. Reigns decks Joe. Joe sends Reigns out of the ring. Joe slams Reigns into the barricade. Reigns Superman punches Joe on the apron. Joe grabs a mic and says he isn’t gonna fight Reigns for these people tonight. Reigns calls Joe a coward. Joe tells Reigns he’s got his match.

Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe

Joe runs over Reigns with a shoulder block. Reigns fires up but Joe sends him flying through the ropes. Reigns is holding his shoulder after the beatdown before the match. Joe misses a dive. Reigns lands the drive-by. Reigns clotheslines Joe. Joe stumbles into the corner. Reigns clotheslines Joe in the corner over and over again. Big boot by Reigns. Joe reverses the Superman punch into an inverted atomic drop. Running senton for a near fall by Joe. Joe puts Reigns in the clutch. Reigns sends Joe to the outside. Joe gets back into the ring and walks right into the Spear.

Winner- Samoa Joe

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