WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/16/19)

Daniel Bryan and Rowan were supposed to be on their way out to the ring. The New Day comes out instead. Woods says Kingston demolished Samoa Joe at Extreme Rules and remains the WWE Champion. Kingston congratulates Big E. and Woods on winning the tag titles. Big E. says they know what Bryan is going to say and they accept his challenge for the tag team titles tonight. Bryan and Rowan walk out on the stage. Bryan broods then walks to the back. Bryan stomps back out the backstage area and almost gets in the ring. Bryan stops himself then he leaves again. The New Day are confused. Bryan walks back out for the third time. Bryan drops the mic and leaves… again. Samoa Joe walks out and demands a title shot. Elias walks out and says he wants a shot. Randy Orton saunters out on the stage. Orton wants a shot too.

The New Day vs. Elias, Randy Orton, and Samoa Joe

Kingston lands a flying back elbow. Joe tags in and knocks Kingston into the corner. Kingston catches Joe with a standing foot stomp. Kingston splashes Joe, Woods hits a flying elbow off the top, and lastly, Big E. lands a splash. Woods and Big E. wheelbarrow splash Elias. Elias kicks out. Woods floors Elias with the honor roll. Elias kicks out again. After a distraction from Orton, Elias takes control. Elias, Orton, and Joe take turns beating down Woods. Woods finally manages to tag in Kingston. Kingston boom drops Orton. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Orton tries the RKO but Kingston escapes. Kingston lands a double jump splash on Orton. Woods hits a tope on Joe. Joe rips Woods off the apron and locks in the Coquina Clutch. Elias knees Big E. in the head. Orton RKOs Kingston for the win.

Winner- Randy Orton

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